Imported OBJ (exported from Blender) never have their textures right in DAZ?!

in New Users
Whenever I import an OBJ with a material library of an object that I've exported from Blender I always need to set the texture maps (base color for example) manually. I am not aware at the moment if OBJs from any other source has the same problem. On import in Daz the checkboxes "Read surfaces" and "Read Material Library" are active. Do I miss something or is it just that way that you need to assign the textures manually in th surface settings?
When specifying the file name of Wavefront OBJ, do not use space character in it, otherwise no texture map will be assigned after importing OBJ to DS. Refer to the screenshot...
Standard OBJ format only support Diffuse Map (Base Color) imported into DS, for other slots: Roughness, Bump, Normal, Opacity, etc., you have to assign them manually.
I saw this tip by you on another post and I double-checked that - I exported the model into an OBF file named without any space character. Is there anyhting else what can be wrong?
There can be... denpending on your case, e.g if the texture maps are collected in the right place (folders...). You may open mtl file to have a check, as below ss...
As long as the folder where texture maps is correctly saved in mtl as well as placed in the right place, you'll get it after import.
Yes, I checked this, too... there is the correct path in the MTL. May it be a problem when there is a space-character anywhere in the path to the texture file? Some of the folders have spaces in their names...
No... space chars in folder or file name of tex. maps don't matter. Dbl-check both of obj and mtl again... Make sure surface (vertex group) names are the same in obj and mtl, e.g. "usemtl Collar" in obj file, "newmtl Collar" in mtl file.
Open your mtl file in text editor and check it.
Anyway, Wavefront OBJ is not a Blender-to-Daz bridge unfortunately. At some point you have to assign at least some of the textures manually anyway, so might as well assign all manually, in my opinion.
This is the MTL file created by Blender:
# Blender 4.0.1 MTL File: 'Train station_001.blend'
newmtl trainstation
Ns 0.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 1
map_Kd F:/3D Asset Library/Gebäude/Bathurst Train Station/trainstation.jpg
Do you see anything wrong?
Oh... didn't thought of that. This ä in the string "Gebäude".... OBJ format only supports ASCII characters. Don't put in special Unicode character.
oh well... I didn't see that neither... 15 years experience as a programmer facing the same issue with special chars during all the years and I don't see that
Thank you so much!
NP !