too many items in texture menu - how to choose?

I have a scene with many items in it. Therefore the menu when choosing a texture on the surfaces tab is so big that only items from A to P are displayed. Any item that starts with Q to Z is out of the window to the right. When I press the arrow keys on the keyboard, the highlight is moved to the right - and out of the window onto some of the items at the end of the menu.

How can I scroll the menu so I can access any items that are located at the end of that menu?

The only workaround I have found is to choose "browse" and search for the texture on my harddisk, but that is quite difficult, because first I have to find out where the texture is located.


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    This was discussed on a previous thread a few months back and from what I remember it's not possible. That menu interface is not really optimised for smaller screens and/or scenes with loads of textures :(

  • thilionthilion Posts: 57

    Oh, what a bummer...

    DPI should put a change onto their list then: to change that from a regular menu to a dropdown list with filter on top. For a programmer, that shouldn't be a challenge.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited January 2024

    Yup, this annoying problem was discussed here, unfortunately without finding a good workaround. So browsing to folder is the only way, or splitting your scene into several subsets...

    You can obviously open a ticket in helpcenter...

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    have several monitors devil

    even then it gets too big

    only way I know is to break your scene into subsets

    IE save bits you want to change as a scene subset and work on that then delete it from the original scene and merge the fixed one in

  • eucaseeucase Posts: 0

    What I do is set up all the assets (characters, props, locations, etc.) first, save them as subsets, and then put them together per scene. I'm creating a huge scene for a cyberpunk series and I had to organize myself in the middle of production. Hours of commitment lead to faster processes. I've learned that this is the best way to professionalize and keep projects under control. If you need help, let me know.

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