I've created a jacket with lining - inner texture sometimes comes through the outer

in New Users
As described: I've created a jacket with a lining which has another texture as the outside of the jacket. As soon as I pose the figure or I put the jacket onto another figure sometimes the inner texture of the jacket starts to go through the outside. I wonder if this is the reason why so many clothes for Daz lack different textures for the lining :) It brings much more realism to clothing when the inside has another texture. So do you have any tips for me what I could do to avoid this? Maybe I need to adjust the weighting for the inner mesh parts? Or add some morph for the inside to pull it in?!
Consider a single layer mesh with a two sided shader. Maybe something like this
Do you know how this is technically working? I want to publish this jacket and this package is not a merchant resource so I would not be allowed to use this. Additionally I would rely on the textured which come with the package it seems... or is it flexible enough so that any texture can be used?
No, I don't know the technical details. If you want a merchant resource, consider this one.
Nvidia MDL (Material Definition Language) support two sides of surface by using Thin Walled. If Thin Walled is turned on, a Backface could be defined with another set of shader properties, so the normal Surface + Backface form the "two sides".
Yes, in general it's flexible to use most types of texture map with this shader, however, as Thin Walled has to be used, you won't have any volume effects related to SSS....That's the limitation of it....
Yes :)
Besides, whether use two sides of surface depends on the design of a garment and how it's used... In most of the cases, the garments fit on the figure, so the "lining" cannot be seen (at least cannot be thoroughly seen...)... texturizing on the backface might be a thankless task...IMO...
But anyway, it's up to your preferences and decision at the end of the day...
thank you all...