Sales are goofy

I am getting very tired of how all over the map the sales are, and their structure.
I spend roughly $200 a month. I like Daz a lot, I like the Daz store. I like PC+ membership.
But, guys. This constantly shifting sales design is obnoxious. I would much rather have a fairly stable or predictable sales design. And if that doesn't start happening, I'm going to have to consider focusing my purchases elsewhere.
I'm not trying to be all dramatic and stamp my little feet, but I want it to be clear when, a few months from now, my purchases stop that you understand why.
Shopping strategy ... if an item is free or at a much better price IF a second item is purchased, put it in the cart and then go look at the new stuff.
If find something that one WANTS and would buy on its own and/or clears the purchase price of the stuff in the shopping cart, bingo.
Sort of reverse technology ... buy sale item in order to get non sale item relatively cheap or free ;-)
Unfortunately it's the exchange rates that are hurting sales all over the place. Money goes "poof" and one doesn't even see it go. Can't get a new CC in time so losing out on that terrific $5 item if I buy a $13 item.
I tend to agree; yeh Daz needs to sell stuff to survive, but I need to keep my cash to survive too. :)
Some consistency would help for better budgetting, although tbh, I find it much simpler since I started buying gift cards; I'm due for another in January, but will only buy one if the discount is good enough; if it isn't, then it's to my benefit not Daz's. For it to be worth it this month with Christmas just arround the corner... 10% plus another couple? Seriously, you've no chance.
I wish they would give us a lock-in on the price... Say, when you place an item in your cart, that price is locked in for one business day or so.
I'm getting tired of filling my cart only to see that the prices on some items have jumped.
It would also give us time to clear any credit card issues with our provider.
Which is how I missed out on the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.
DAZ missed out on over $500.00 because the price jumped to over $2000.00 by the time I got my card straightened out.