[SOLVED] Need Help with Thumbnail Mastery by DraagonStorm

So I am not getting any results from this but im assuming its because im doing something wrong. If someone can help that would be great.
1. Select base scene to load presets to. Im assuming that this is the scene that the thumbnail image is being taken from.
2. Path for thumbnail images. This is where I want the image to be saved?
3. Filename of thumbnail image(s). Ok.
4. Then there are three boxes with some menus, Working Scene, Presets for Thumbnails, Thumbnail images. I have no idea how to use these boxes other than changing the thumbnail size.
The rest of the options are easy to use but when I create thumbnail, nothing seems to be happening. I cant find the thumbnail where I expect it to be.
Post edited by AnotherUserName on
Let me think through my process on this.
1- I create a special scene that I want to make the thumbnails with. I make sure that what ever is to be effected by the preset when applied is called DSThumbnailFocus. I save that scene somewhere that I can find fast.
2-Start up thumbnail mastery and in the top slot I navigate to where I have saved that special scene.
3-I always am in the files that I am creating thumbs for so I've never had to use the second slot but if I were not in the right folder already I would navigate to and select it here.
4- I am always using the names of the files that I am creating the thumbs for so I jump down to presets for thumbnails and then select which ever files in there I need thumbs for.
5-I don't often use the backgrounds or overlays. But I found selecting and adding them easy enough via the next couple of options.
6- I go in and delete all of the pre created thumbs now because it is a pain after and the new ones will not over write the old ones.
7-Hit create and go get a cup of coffee.
8-Praise DraagonStorm again for making my life easier. (this may be an optional step but I doubt it)
Hi Khory,
Thanks for your help. Im away from the computer for the rest of the night but ill go over the process again tomorrow and see if I cant make sense of it. Your process pretty much sounded like what I was doing, so... maybe I just wasnt seeing the thumbs refresh? Ill update in the morning.
Did you delete the old ones? No refresh unless the originals are gone.
Im pretty sure that I did. I could be wrong though. Ill check in the morning.
Ok. I wasnt adding the scene into the Presets for thumbnails list. However when I create the thumbnail, I now get an error that says "Unable to find an item named DSThumbnailFocus in the loaded scene DSThumbnailFocus.duf. For the preset to be able to apply to the correct item in your scene, its name needs to be changed to DSThumbnailFocus so that the script can find the item and select it."
Ah, Ok. I just figured it out. The item that you want captured in the generated thumbnail needs to be actually named DSThumbnail focus in the scene tree. In my case I renamed V6 to DSThumbnailFocus and then the thumb was generated correctly.
Thanks for your help Khory.
Glad it is sorted!