Uninstaller ?

Is there a known product usable to uninstall other places items with their dependencies ?

My Daz Content is an absolute mess.

Thanks & happy new year !


  • If you installed using DIM, you can uninstall using DIM.

    If you installed manually, you can manually delete the various subfolders in the main content collection folder. {My Library or Content or whatever}. {not 100% is achieved this way as there could still be a few items in the actual program folders etc. but I'm not going to recommend everybody to jump into those folders and touch anything there}.

    This all is done with D/S closed ;-)

    If you installed with Daz Centrale my wild guess would be that one uninstalls using Daz Centrale except the DC has been discontinued so ?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I believe he's asking about non-Daz3D items.

  • Good catch, thanks.

    Just go to all the known places where the items were installed to {might have to check again the downloaded zip folders} and simply delete them from the computer.

  • golem841golem841 Posts: 137

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Good catch, thanks.

    Just go to all the known places where the items were installed to {might have to check again the downloaded zip folders} and simply delete them from the computer.

    This is precisely what I want to avoid doing. 

    There was a little program usable for this in Poser.

  • Understood however I'm not aware of one for D/S.

    There are a few ideas shared in various threads on how some deal with the tedious task. I recall one wanna-be content creator who made such a mess of their set up that I wanted it 'all' off the computer. Used the search engines and simply deleted all of that one's folders.

    If there's a massive amount of content to be removed, it might be worth renaming the collection folder to something D/S is not looking for. Maybe sweep it over to another location on the same drive. [i.e. store it until you're sure you don't require it before deleting it]

    Make a "new" folder with the correct name which D/S is looking for. Use DIM to reinstall all what you want to from Daz3D.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    For non-Poser 3rd-party products, i.e. there're user-facing files in the products, you may use Content Wizard to install them into Smart Content. Content Wizard can generate IM package with which you may use in DIM for installation / unintallation.

  • golem841golem841 Posts: 137

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Okay, good to know:  https://www.daz3d.com/content-wizard 


    I own Content wizard.

    I never tried it to find all the dependencies files for a product, I'll give it a try

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