Yeah..I've been thinking the snow was too big, but I've been staring at it for a while.. It's a simple plane with a snow on it, so chaning size is easy.
The light I have is just the straight default iRay sky...I thought it worked well for the outside scene when I got it set up...have to see what I can do with it then...
edit: Changing the Envriro Intensity to 1 from 2 and that seems to have made it better, and reduced the snow size.
Is the Headlamp still on or is there a distant light shining from the front? There are shadows of the dog and snowman on the snow in the background which suggest this. Try turning the Headlamp off or dimming the Distant Light as there is too much light hitting the snowman and the texture isn't showing through. If there are no other lights in the scene then either try turning the dome so that the light is coming from a different direction or drop the Intensity down to 0.75 or 0.5. I would also turn the texture on the snowman down from 1.0 (255) to 0.96 (250) and set the Refraction Index to 1.37. There also apears to be a bump map on the dog, I would try adding that to the snow and snowman to see if it takes the flatness off them.
Hi, everyone. Here is my latest version of my log cabin scene. I keep crashing DS and I think it is mainly a memory problem. I just have too many things in the scene that are memory hogs. I can't even render the moose and the cabin scene together without running out of memory and crashing, between all the trees and the hair geometry. The really frustrating thing is that I can't seem to change the texture on the snow of the roof and chimney at all. I mean, I can change the texture and do all sorts of things on the surface tab, but no changes are visible. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, whether it is add my own texture or use a shader. Nothing, nada, zip.
The good news is that DH got a gift card from work and he let me use it. I ordered more memory which takes my computer up to the max. Now I have 32 GB or I will once it is installed tonight. I'll try rerunning some renders with all of the elements and see if that fixes my crashing problem. I don't have a version yet with the softer snow. I ran the render all last night and then realized that somehow I managed to delete my light for the fireplace so no light in the window. I also forgot to turn the headlamp off or something because I ended up with some light or shadows that I didn't have before. Luckily, those things are easy to fix because I just have to bring up the previous .duf file if I managed to save the scene like that.
I postworked in all of the snow and the chimney smoke on this render. I had to postwork in the moose, but he was rendered in DS as well. I tried to get his legs blended in, but I'm thinking my postwork skills need to be better as his legs still look a little pasted in to me. I think I have more layers in this project in Gimp than any other I've done to date. Somehow, the lighting on the cabin roof gave me an almost rainbow effect. I think that had to do with a combination of the snow texture on AM's Log Cabin roof and the sunlight. Overall, though, I like the render. I'll know better which I prefer once I have rerendered the version with the snow everyone seemed to like better last time around.
I like this! The shadows work out quite well on the roof, too.
Hopefully the more memory will help with the crashing issues.
My only observation is that I think there is too much white in the foreground. The upper left and the whole top half is full of details, and the rest is missing some action for me.
I could be wrong but your Moose looks out of scale compared to the cabin. Moose are pretty big and this one looks a little small compared to the scale of all of the other items in the scene.
Good luck. Crossing fingers your added memory helps with everything.
Scavenger - I like what you have so far. The change you made to the snow is an improvement. I do agree with Fishtales that you might want to look into the bump map. The snow seems a little flat at the moment. I like all of your elements and the composition, though.
Isidorn - I have to admit winter isn't my favorite time of the year either. It is much easier to like it now, though, when I don't actually have to deal with the snow and the cold. Hopefully, you will have more inspiration with the next month's contest if you don't finish your entry this month. And, you have still been giving everyone wonderful feedback on their renders so you aren't completely out of it this month. You do still have a little time, though, should you get inspired.
I postworked in all of the snow and the chimney smoke on this render. I had to postwork in the moose, but he was rendered in DS as well. I tried to get his legs blended in, but I'm thinking my postwork skills need to be better as his legs still look a little pasted in to me. I think I have more layers in this project in Gimp than any other I've done to date. Somehow, the lighting on the cabin roof gave me an almost rainbow effect. I think that had to do with a combination of the snow texture on AM's Log Cabin roof and the sunlight. Overall, though, I like the render. I'll know better which I prefer once I have rerendered the version with the snow everyone seemed to like better last time around.
This is looking great Knittingmommy... I did like the angle you had in WinterCabin06 more though. Only other thing is the moose (other than what Kismet2012 said re scale) is standing on top of the snow whereas I'd imagine it would sink a bit - unless it's hard packed ;)
Is the Headlamp still on or is there a distant light shining from the front? There are shadows of the dog and snowman on the snow in the background which suggest this. Try turning the Headlamp off or dimming the Distant Light as there is too much light hitting the snowman and the texture isn't showing through.
Yep..Headlamp was on. Durring the set up I had switched to a different camera and hadn't turned it off...well, so much for last nite's 11 hour render. I'll do a quick test to see how it looks with the dome back to 2.
I like this! The shadows work out quite well on the roof, too.
Hopefully the more memory will help with the crashing issues.
My only observation is that I think there is too much white in the foreground. The upper left and the whole top half is full of details, and the rest is missing some action for me.
Yes, I'm still wrestling with some aspects like that. I haven't figured out what to do about that as yet, though.
I could be wrong but your Moose looks out of scale compared to the cabin. Moose are pretty big and this one looks a little small compared to the scale of all of the other items in the scene.
Good luck. Crossing fingers your added memory helps with everything.
It might be. I had rendered him with different settings than the cabin scene. I just wanted to run a test render on him to see if I could actually postwork him in because I wasn't sure if I could do that with my skill level. My next step is to actually put in into the scene where I want him. His size should be in propertion then. Then I can figure out how to blend him in better in Gimp. I think if I can render him with the actual snow that I'm rendering with the cabin that may also fix my issues with blending in his feet. Once I get the new memory installed tonight, I'll set everything up and let it render overnight and see how it goes. If I'm lucky, I can just render everything together in one shot. If not, then I'll be rendering moose and snow together and then postworking in Gimp.
At least my postwork skills are improving with these contests.
Yes. regarding running out of memory, maybe there are some tricks and tools you can use to speed things up? I know if I go over the 2GB RAM limit on the NVvidea video card I got for Iray it chokes and spits at me, but this is after several genesis characters and a room full of furniture. Remove resources you aren't actually using, because they load while you render and slow things down. Maybe look at how large the texture files you are using are, and if the software is making a clone of this for each icicle and snowflake come up with your own much smaller texture. Read up on it, anyway. And go over the individual resource files to find out what is making things bottleneck up.
1TB of RAM might not help sloppy code or good code with bad algorithms.
Also the moose is great, I feel that any good painting or artwork tells a story, and there is more of that with the moose. Maybe it could be doing something, other than shivering... eating something? I don't know. I liked it a little more when there was a storm also... reminded me of this... my interpretation by a famous painting, I think the original was by Norman Rockwell and less glowing. I get a sense of story out of this because of the posing and dynamic lighting.
@Scavenger - looking much better. That Headlamp has bitten most of us at one time or another.
@HitManWA - Very nice image. I really like the monochromatic feel. Not an easy task working with white but you have some contrasts between the various textures that really work.
Nice seeing the progress being made here. :) Just a few observations from me.
Knittingmommy, the moose does indeed look downscaled, especially for one with such big horns. And speaking of horns. Moose drop them during winter... But I checked wikipedia and according to that article it usually doesn't happen until january-february though so it's still plausable to have them. ;) Looking forward to future versions.
HitManWa, overall impression looks good but the gun looks like a fake plastic prop. I'm guessing it's just the base prop without materials applied to it? It would be a quick way to get a white coloured gun. If I was to dare a suggestion I'd try to apply some proper materials or shaders to it and see if it helps changing the colours to get it white. I failed hard at last month's new user contest with the theme "materials" so I'm definitely not an authority on the matter so I don't know if my suggestion works. But hopefully you can find something to do with the gun.
Oh, and forgot... Happy Holidays everyone! And if you're going away over x-mas it's an excellent opportunity to start up a slow rendering image and hopefully it'll be done when you get back home! ;)
Merry Christmas!!! I am really excited because once 2 o clock gets here I am off work until the new year. I have some serious plans for Daz time as well as some serious plans for torch time.
Knittingmommy, really really beautiful and I agree that the moose is too small.
Scavenger the dog looks better closer. The only problem I have is if its snowing, there isn't any snow falling in front of the window.
HitmanWA I like it a lot. You could easily apply some type of shader to the gun to give it a bit more texture. Depends on what you want it to look like. super shiny you could do a latex shader on it or maybe a car paint shader.
And if you're going away over x-mas it's an excellent opportunity to start up a slow rendering image and hopefully it'll be done when you get back home! ;)
You all have a merry christmas and a happy render holiday, I will have to work during the holidays so I'm not sure If I'll be around. I hope to see all your lovely work then in a new iteration
You all have a merry christmas and a happy render holiday, I will have to work during the holidays so I'm not sure If I'll be around. I hope to see all your lovely work then in a new iteration
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all the Newbies like myself !!!
Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. I had thought about going with a more glossier look but sort of felt like that defeated the camo purpose, although a straight white isn't really camo. I'm still tinkering around some with it but added some other textures. Maybe the camo works a bit too well in this one though.
I like the changes to the sitting guy's clothes, even though they maybe became a bit too dark? And in contrast, the knee pads became very shiny and I think that became rather distracting.
But on the whole, I think you got an interesting, atmospheric image going here and it makes me wonder what kind of mission they are on and what the story behind it could be. Images that sets the viewer's mind in motion is always a good image. Though I still do prefer the lone guy version.
Looks like I'm going to be iraying some more tonight.
Here's my new version, with more work done on the sitter.
hi Shinji, this looks really good, I prefer him without the shiny kneepads, I'm still not sure whiat you want to tell with the guy in the back, right now he looks a little liek he's about to stap sitting man in the back but for that his concentration is going the other direction. What I keep stumpling about is the shiny new wooden floor. That looks to perfect for an abandoned place with broken in wall, can you add some grunge to that?
Funny that you should ask for grunge on the floor Linwelly, because I treated myself to some new shaders for christmas to try and do just that. Here's the results.
(Looks like I got the walls as well.)
Any how I wish every one fallowing this thread a happy holidays.
Very nice, Chohole. Seasons Greetings right back at ya. Hope you a very Happy Holiday.
I have very good news. I got my memory installed so I'm now working with 32 GB. Unfortunately, I was forced to upgrade to Windows 10 because I didn't realize that Windows 7 Home, which is what I had, had a memory limit of 16 GB even though my memory board could handle it. Windows 7 could see it, but wouldn't access it. So, for the moment, I have upgraded until I can figure out if I want to stay with Windows 10 or fork over some money to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional. In the meantime, I think it is time to see if I can get DS to run in Linux. Unfortunately, I think that means no Iray, but I'm not sure. I'll be studying the Linux thread to see what they have been doing.
However, I am currently running my render now with all of the geometry, trees and LAMH fibermesh, and I haven't crashed. It is looking pretty good so far.
There are so many patterns on there, it makes me a little dizzy. My eyes don't really know where to look. I really liked your plain white version. But, even with this version, you have nice lighting and I love that you can see the reflections in her mask. Her eyes really seem to pop out at you. There are lots of really good qualities to the render.
Is the Headlamp still on or is there a distant light shining from the front? There are shadows of the dog and snowman on the snow in the background which suggest this. Try turning the Headlamp off or dimming the Distant Light as there is too much light hitting the snowman and the texture isn't showing through. If there are no other lights in the scene then either try turning the dome so that the light is coming from a different direction or drop the Intensity down to 0.75 or 0.5. I would also turn the texture on the snowman down from 1.0 (255) to 0.96 (250) and set the Refraction Index to 1.37. There also apears to be a bump map on the dog, I would try adding that to the snow and snowman to see if it takes the flatness off them.
Hi, everyone. Here is my latest version of my log cabin scene. I keep crashing DS and I think it is mainly a memory problem. I just have too many things in the scene that are memory hogs. I can't even render the moose and the cabin scene together without running out of memory and crashing, between all the trees and the hair geometry. The really frustrating thing is that I can't seem to change the texture on the snow of the roof and chimney at all. I mean, I can change the texture and do all sorts of things on the surface tab, but no changes are visible. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, whether it is add my own texture or use a shader. Nothing, nada, zip.
The good news is that DH got a gift card from work and he let me use it. I ordered more memory which takes my computer up to the max. Now I have 32 GB or I will once it is installed tonight. I'll try rerunning some renders with all of the elements and see if that fixes my crashing problem. I don't have a version yet with the softer snow. I ran the render all last night and then realized that somehow I managed to delete my light for the fireplace so no light in the window. I also forgot to turn the headlamp off or something because I ended up with some light or shadows that I didn't have before. Luckily, those things are easy to fix because I just have to bring up the previous .duf file if I managed to save the scene like that.
I postworked in all of the snow and the chimney smoke on this render. I had to postwork in the moose, but he was rendered in DS as well. I tried to get his legs blended in, but I'm thinking my postwork skills need to be better as his legs still look a little pasted in to me. I think I have more layers in this project in Gimp than any other I've done to date. Somehow, the lighting on the cabin roof gave me an almost rainbow effect. I think that had to do with a combination of the snow texture on AM's Log Cabin roof and the sunlight. Overall, though, I like the render. I'll know better which I prefer once I have rerendered the version with the snow everyone seemed to like better last time around.
I like this! The shadows work out quite well on the roof, too.
Hopefully the more memory will help with the crashing issues.
My only observation is that I think there is too much white in the foreground. The upper left and the whole top half is full of details, and the rest is missing some action for me.
I could be wrong but your Moose looks out of scale compared to the cabin. Moose are pretty big and this one looks a little small compared to the scale of all of the other items in the scene.
Good luck. Crossing fingers your added memory helps with everything.
Scavenger - I like what you have so far. The change you made to the snow is an improvement. I do agree with Fishtales that you might want to look into the bump map. The snow seems a little flat at the moment. I like all of your elements and the composition, though.
Isidorn - I have to admit winter isn't my favorite time of the year either. It is much easier to like it now, though, when I don't actually have to deal with the snow and the cold. Hopefully, you will have more inspiration with the next month's contest if you don't finish your entry this month. And, you have still been giving everyone wonderful feedback on their renders so you aren't completely out of it this month. You do still have a little time, though, should you get inspired.
This is looking great Knittingmommy... I did like the angle you had in WinterCabin06 more though. Only other thing is the moose (other than what Kismet2012 said re scale) is standing on top of the snow whereas I'd imagine it would sink a bit - unless it's hard packed ;)
Yep..Headlamp was on. Durring the set up I had switched to a different camera and hadn't turned it off...well, so much for last nite's 11 hour render. I'll do a quick test to see how it looks with the dome back to 2.
Yes, I'm still wrestling with some aspects like that. I haven't figured out what to do about that as yet, though.
It might be. I had rendered him with different settings than the cabin scene. I just wanted to run a test render on him to see if I could actually postwork him in because I wasn't sure if I could do that with my skill level. My next step is to actually put in into the scene where I want him. His size should be in propertion then. Then I can figure out how to blend him in better in Gimp. I think if I can render him with the actual snow that I'm rendering with the cabin that may also fix my issues with blending in his feet. Once I get the new memory installed tonight, I'll set everything up and let it render overnight and see how it goes. If I'm lucky, I can just render everything together in one shot. If not, then I'll be rendering moose and snow together and then postworking in Gimp.
At least my postwork skills are improving with these contests.
Yes. regarding running out of memory, maybe there are some tricks and tools you can use to speed things up? I know if I go over the 2GB RAM limit on the NVvidea video card I got for Iray it chokes and spits at me, but this is after several genesis characters and a room full of furniture. Remove resources you aren't actually using, because they load while you render and slow things down. Maybe look at how large the texture files you are using are, and if the software is making a clone of this for each icicle and snowflake come up with your own much smaller texture. Read up on it, anyway. And go over the individual resource files to find out what is making things bottleneck up.
1TB of RAM might not help sloppy code or good code with bad algorithms.
Also the moose is great, I feel that any good painting or artwork tells a story, and there is more of that with the moose. Maybe it could be doing something, other than shivering... eating something? I don't know. I liked it a little more when there was a storm also... reminded me of this... my interpretation by a famous painting, I think the original was by Norman Rockwell and less glowing. I get a sense of story out of this because of the posing and dynamic lighting.
Took various advice here, I'm at this point..think it's just about locked down for a overnight render.
Winter Soldier
@Scavenger - looking much better. That Headlamp has bitten most of us at one time or another.
@HitManWA - Very nice image. I really like the monochromatic feel. Not an easy task working with white but you have some contrasts between the various textures that really work.
Merry Christmas to everyone on the New User forum!
Merry Christmas Ati.
Merry Christmas, Ati. It can't be Christmas quite yet, though, because I'm not done shopping!!!
Nice seeing the progress being made here. :) Just a few observations from me.
Knittingmommy, the moose does indeed look downscaled, especially for one with such big horns. And speaking of horns. Moose drop them during winter... But I checked wikipedia and according to that article it usually doesn't happen until january-february though so it's still plausable to have them. ;) Looking forward to future versions.
HitManWa, overall impression looks good but the gun looks like a fake plastic prop. I'm guessing it's just the base prop without materials applied to it? It would be a quick way to get a white coloured gun. If I was to dare a suggestion I'd try to apply some proper materials or shaders to it and see if it helps changing the colours to get it white. I failed hard at last month's new user contest with the theme "materials" so I'm definitely not an authority on the matter so I don't know if my suggestion works. But hopefully you can find something to do with the gun.
Oh, and forgot... Happy Holidays everyone! And if you're going away over x-mas it's an excellent opportunity to start up a slow rendering image and hopefully it'll be done when you get back home! ;)
Merry Christmas!!! I am really excited because once 2 o clock gets here I am off work until the new year. I have some serious plans for Daz time as well as some serious plans for torch time.
Knittingmommy, really really beautiful and I agree that the moose is too small.
Scavenger the dog looks better closer. The only problem I have is if its snowing, there isn't any snow falling in front of the window.
HitmanWA I like it a lot. You could easily apply some type of shader to the gun to give it a bit more texture. Depends on what you want it to look like. super shiny you could do a latex shader on it or maybe a car paint shader.
(A 900-frame HD animation is underway... :))
You all have a merry christmas and a happy render holiday, I will have to work during the holidays so I'm not sure If I'll be around. I hope to see all your lovely work then in a new iteration
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
Don't work too hard Linwelly.
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all the Newbies like myself
Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. I had thought about going with a more glossier look but sort of felt like that defeated the camo purpose, although a straight white isn't really camo. I'm still tinkering around some with it but added some other textures. Maybe the camo works a bit too well in this one though.
Well, did a big render, then added some window frost and doggie dust and I think we're good. Gonna let my mind sit over night and look again tomorrow.
Funny that you should ask for grunge on the floor Linwelly, because I treated myself to some new shaders for christmas to try and do just that. Here's the results.
(Looks like I got the walls as well.)
Any how I wish every one fallowing this thread a happy holidays.
Seasons Greetings Chohole, Did you create this?
I did indeed. Sheep prepared in Poser and then transferred to Bryce for rendering. Framing and text added in PS.
Very nice, Chohole. Seasons Greetings right back at ya. Hope you a very Happy Holiday.
I have very good news. I got my memory installed so I'm now working with 32 GB. Unfortunately, I was forced to upgrade to Windows 10 because I didn't realize that Windows 7 Home, which is what I had, had a memory limit of 16 GB even though my memory board could handle it. Windows 7 could see it, but wouldn't access it. So, for the moment, I have upgraded until I can figure out if I want to stay with Windows 10 or fork over some money to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional. In the meantime, I think it is time to see if I can get DS to run in Linux. Unfortunately, I think that means no Iray, but I'm not sure. I'll be studying the Linux thread to see what they have been doing.
However, I am currently running my render now with all of the geometry, trees and LAMH fibermesh, and I haven't crashed. It is looking pretty good so far.
Changed it up some. I sort of like this version better. Thoughts?
There are so many patterns on there, it makes me a little dizzy. My eyes don't really know where to look. I really liked your plain white version. But, even with this version, you have nice lighting and I love that you can see the reflections in her mask. Her eyes really seem to pop out at you. There are lots of really good qualities to the render.