Sharpenss in IRAY renders--how?

I know that with the 3Delight render, the lowest shading rate setting, 0.010, gives one the sharpest renders and it is not soft or 'blurry' looking. Well I cannot seem to figure out what the Iray equivlant is. I want this sharpness in Iray but haven't been able to achieve it. Please, I need this mystery solved :D
Iray renders that are less "finished" are usually grainy rather than blurry. They get smoother and sharper as you render longer. You make them render longer by going to Progressive Rendering, turning off Quality, and setting the max time and samples up higher. Alternately, you can leave Quality on and increase the number from 1 to 2 or 3. Be aware that this will increase the render time in a geometric fashion every time you increase it (2x the 1 value, 3x the 1 value, etc.).
Oh thanks SY :D I actually do let my renders go on until finished and I have increased the samples to the max (unless I can take off that max?) I will mess some more with the Quality setting. :)
I have found that your camera focus point matters even if depth of field is not checked. For instance if your focus point is well behind the figure, the render will not be sharp. You may want to see if this helps.
Thanks for the tip. 99% of the time though I am using DOF.
Fastbike: Interesting.
I often use sharpen tools for postwork. Can help a lot.
This has been mentioned in other posts, but it applies here as well.
If you render in iray at twice the size of your final product (2400X2000 instead of the desired 1200X1000, say) and then resize the image (I use using a resampling setting like "Nearest Neighbor", you will see a noticeable increase in sharpness compared to an iray render at 1200X1000.
Sickleyield, I could hug you. That grain in the "finished" renders has been driving me totally bonkers. Great to know how to fix it now! Needless to say I'm still getting use to Iray after a decade of using the old Daz renderer.
Lowering this value can sharpen your pictures as well: Render settings -> Filtering -> Pixel Filter Radius
Under the render settings go to the Filter tab and change the antialiasing filter from Gaussian to Mitchell.
This works very well for me, too.
I personally find the gaussian pixel filter blurs the render image at its 1.5 default. I mostly adjust this down to 0.8 for sharper renders. I will also try Jimbow''s suggestion of using the mitchell filter.
I would just like to say that, in my photographic images in PS, the pixel radius is also dependent on image size. The larger the image, the more pixels, the higher the radius can be. Smaller images, less pixels, need a smaller radius. I found that on images of 1000 pixels to 1200 pixels, long side, at a ratio of 6x4 need a radius of 1.2. At least that setting looks right to me but may not to others :)
especially when i try interactive mode the hdri dome is much more blurry than in photoreal
i tried everything mentioned here but no success for this
scene is ok though
so it is not possible to get a sharp hdri dome in interactive mode ?
dome is dthdr maui
so a good one