Content disappearing?

I'm a new user to 4.5 Pro. I had been messing with it just over the past 2 days. Well, I had found some 'free' non-DAZ stuff from other websites, and when I unzipped them to 'my library' and opened DAZ Studio, all my presets had gone. I don't know, but I am assuming one of these freebies may have been the cause. Not all of them had instructions for where specifically to unzip to.
All of the models and props and such that came with the Genesis starter pack were not visible.
What I'm wondering, is there a 'default' place to put non-DAZ content?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Daz Studio, and for now I'm avoiding non-DAZ items.
Thanks in advance.
There is a file in the 4.5 download called 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx.exe which MUST be installed to update the basic content. The content used to be inside the main installer, but that has changed for this version.
Freebies can be a problem, I always unzip freebies to a temporary folder on my Desktop, to see what is in them, and where they need to go. Jaderail has posted some instructions for using ZIP files, I'll find you a link.
Follow this link for the ZIP tut :
Thanks Jimmy.
I had installed the Genesis Starter Essentials. The problem occurred after playing with the studio for a while, shutting it down, and later installing non-DAZ stuff. I can only guess that it was an incompatibility issue, or I put them in the wrong directory, but when I installed the freebies and started studio up, all my content wasn't visible in the smart tab. When I say all my content, I mean nothing was showing up. I could manually import a character through the pull-down menu, but that's it. And, from the tutorials I've viewed, the smart tab is supposed to show all your installed content?
The specific non-DAZ content were Adam Thwaite's Polly Gon character, and Marcius Hess' Warrior Princess.
It sounds more like the Content Management Service (CMS) has stopped running. It is responsible for populating the Smart Content tab, but it only displays content that has Metadata associated with it, and not everything has it yet.
To see ALL ot the content that you have installed, you should use the Content Library tab, and look under Poser Formats > My Library > Figures etc for the older Gen 4 stuff (V4, M4 etc). Genesis will be in DAZ Studio Formats > My Library > People.
To check if the CMS is running on a PC, check in the Task Manager. In the Content Library tab, there should be a triangle displayed if the CMS is running like the image below, that may be a quicker way to find out. If it has stopped, you need to start it from the DAZ Folder in the Start Menu > All Programs.
I also should have mentioned that the freebie, Warrior Princess, has caused a lot of problems with Genesis. There are some threads about that in the forums here.
Thanks again, Jimmy.
I think I'll just get rid of Warrior Princess. Or at least not use it for now. It seems with Genesis I probably won't need Polly Gon, as well. But I'm a bit of a 'collector' when it comes to add-ons, so I'll have to figure out how to add non-DAZ content reliably. :-)
If you need a hand with a freebie, just link to it on here, and someone will be able to help. It is easy enough once you have done it a couple of times, and know what to look for.
Thanks again. :-)
One thing I am wondering, though. Is there a freebie pack with a bunch of fight poses? I've seen a couple so far, but they only give 1 pose for 1 character, and 1 for the other. I'm specifically looking for contact fighting, such as punches and reactions, and knockouts. For male and female, if possible. Trying to do some general dirty brawling scenes.
Also, I downloaded the Aiko 3 base, and MechaGirl. Can the bodysuit color be changed at all?
I don't know about fight poses, perhaps try ShareCG? There are Aniblocks for fight animations I believe.
The Mechgirl should have a texture template for all of the parts, and you could change the colour that way, or if for your own use, change the texture colour in Photoshop or Gimp.
I managed to fit the MechGirl bodysuit to Genesis because I have the A3 shape for Genesis, so Autofit can work with it. It fits well!
I just noticed, there is a brown Leather texture which comes with it as well.
Thanks, still getting the hang of this.
One more question...
I notice it says that Auto-Fit is supposed to be registered with a serial#, but when I went to where it suggested, it doesn't give me the register button. Is it automatically registered with DAZ Studio 4.5? I just don't want to be violating any rules here.
Autofit is part of the main installer for, and should not be installed seperately. When you enter the Pro serial number from your account, all of the Pro plugins will be activated.
Thanks. I noticed the other PDFs for the components that are included by default with 4.5 didn't mention anything about a registration or serial# so I was kind of confused. You're an awesome helper. :-)
Okay, so I'm trying to do some renders, and it crashes to the desktop when I try to use more than 1 character. I'm guessing 1gb of RAM isn't enough? :-)
People have problems with 2 GB RAM, so it's no go for you I'm afraid.
I upgraded the year before last to an i7 with 8GB RAM 64 bit, but even that can reach limits. I am thinking of getting another 8 to go along with it.
Well thje tech soecs, found here do say minimum 1gb for 32 bit, 2gb for 64 bit, but also say that 2gb for the 32 bit and 3gb for 64 bit is the reccomended minimum amount of ram.
What if I stick with basic characters instead of the big high-detail ones?
I am on 32bit XP dual-core with 1gb RAM for now.
By the way, I'm trying to figure out how to rotate figures. Any help appreciated. I'm trying to match some character poses up, and they don't seem to be facing exactly where I want. I can move them back and forth, but how do I rotate them to face a new direction?
Rotate tool on the toolbar, or use Tools > Rotate, or Alt+Shift+R.
Most of the Gen 4 characters are around 70,000 polys, but there are low poly version for V4 and M4 that are 17k, 8k, 4k and 1k. Genesis is only about 19k when used at the Base. resolution.
If you look in the runtime library for V4, under \Geometries\DAZPeople\blMilWom_v4b_LOD, you should find the lo poly ones there.
Thanks again. :-)
Yeah I've found I can get up to 3 characters in a render if I use the Genesis base characters. I'd better get me a RAM upgrade. :-) My mobo can hold a maximum of 8gb but I'm only running XP at the moment.
The rotate tool was something I didn't see. But now I notice it. LOL.
It'd be nice if DAZ released a bundle of special lo poly characters for those with limited system resources. Something with an 8k or 9k poly count would be great.
Predatron has some lo-poly models in the store here, they are all called Lorez, here is a link:
Hopefully Predatron will be taking part in the PA sale this month, that would help a lot :)