how do i fix model beak while i using script morphing

how do i fix model break while i using script morphing like eye is missing , alien face

// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script

// Initialize empty arrays and retrieve a list of nodes from the scene
Names = [];
Nodes = Scene.getNodeList();

// Loop through each node obtained from the scene
for (i = 0; i < Nodes.length; i++) {
    obj = Nodes[i].getObject();

    // Check if the node object exists
    if (obj !== null) {
        NM = obj.getNumModifiers();

        // Iterate through the modifiers of the current node
        for (j = 0; j < NM; j++) {
            Modifier = obj.getModifier(j);

            // Check if the modifier is of type 'DzMorph'
            if (Modifier.inherits("DzMorph")) {
                Name =;

                // Check if the modifier name contains 'Head', excluding 'Proportion' and 'ForeHead'
                if (Name.indexOf("Head") !== -1 &&
                    Name.indexOf("Proportion") === -1 &&
                    Name.indexOf("ForeHead") === -1) {

                    // Wait until a specific file "1.txt" exists in the specified directory
                    while (true) {
                        isFile = DzFileInfo("C:\\Users\\hunte\\Music\\RTBP\\DzPyWorkplace\\1.txt").isFile();

                        if (isFile) {

                    // Retrieve the control for adjusting the modifier value
                    ValueControl = Modifier.getValueControl();
                    Max = ValueControl.getMax();
                    Min = ValueControl.getMin();
                    numRanges = 20;
                    interval = (Max - Min) / numRanges;

                    // Capture images at different modifier values and save them in a directory
                    Dv = ValueControl.getValue();
                    for (n = 0; n <= numRanges; n++) {
                        value = (Min + interval * n).toFixed(1);

                        viewportMgr = MainWindow.getViewportMgr();
                        activeViewport = viewportMgr.getActiveViewport();
                        threeDViewport = activeViewport.get3DViewport();
                        Image = threeDViewport.captureImage();
              "C:\\Users\\hunte\\Music\\RTBP\\DzPyWorkplace\\_" + value + ".png");

                    // Reset the modifier value to its original value

                    // Rename "1.txt" to "0.txt" and read the content of "1.txt" to retrieve a float value

                    // Wait for the file "1.txt" to be available again and set the modifier value to the retrieved float value
                    while (true) {
                        isFile = DzFileInfo("C:\\Users\\hunte\\Music\\RTBP\\DzPyWorkplace\\1.txt").isFile();

                        if (isFile) {
                            Line = DzFile("C:\\Users\\hunte\\Music\\RTBP\\DzPyWorkplace\\1.txt").read();
                            floatValue = parseFloat(Line);

                            if (!isNaN(floatValue)) {


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