It's been a while

I've been away for a while, about 6 months or so. Working pretty much 7 days a week and no time for anything.
That said.
I did do National Novel Writing Month while I was working all of those insane hours and was thinking of doing some book overs for that one and some other novels I've written.
And that got me thinking about 3d all over again.
I have a new machine, and while not great, is loads better than my gaming laptop.
What's the easist way to set up the new machine? I can download the new program easy enough but can I just copy over the assets rather than redownloading all of those with the manager? I've about 4000 and it'd take something like forever. I also have what I call non-Daz stuff which is equally as big if not bigger.
Looks like while I was away I missed Iray and Genesis 4 , both new to me anyway.
Have to wait a bit for new purchases because tis the season for.....wait for it....fraud. My checking account was hit for 3 bogus charges of $380 each so have to hold off a bit until everything gets straightened out. Gotta pay rent you know.
At any rate, I miss the 3d world.
So if anyone has some quick and easy suggestions to get up and going. I have off today woohoo...can't say when after this though.
Thank you for your time and effort! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, and the website software is different...a lot different.
The quick way wouldf be to copy the content directories across and reimport meta-data (Content Library pane option menu - the lined button in the top corner - Content DB Maintenance, check the Reimport Metadata option, click Accept and then again). If you use DIM, and won't be using your old machine copy the Downloads and Manifests folders across too - if you used the default paths on both machines - or just the Downlaods folder and check all (or what you want to install) in DIM, and let it run - that will make sure you get update notices for your content via DIM in future.
Thank you sir! It seems like the older I get the more I forget. I checked and it's about 192 gig so copying will take a while. Looks like an overnight job.