Removing Features from Ty for Gen 9 & ZK Brau Sci-fi Armor
Hello everyone!
I am VERY new to 3D character generation. I am having issues removing the facial hair from my actor. I do not see the option for it. Also, when using the Brau Scifi Armor, the screenshots when purchasing it shows the actors wearing the body suit without the armor, but I cannot find the option to take the armor off.
Do the makers of the actors and wardrobes offer support pages? Or does anyone have an idea how to remove these things?
Thank so much in advance!

Screenshot 2023-12-24 073626.png
1886 x 974 - 1M
I would assume that the wearable preset ZK Brau sci-Fi Armor Body would give just the body armour, or loading one of the All presets and then deleting the unwanted bits (dy default they will be parented to the Genesis 9 figure, if you click the little triangle to the elft of its name in the Scene pane you should see all of the outfit pieces thata re parented to the figure - just select the ones you don't want and hit the del key).
Facial hair is often part of the texture. Some PAs wuill provide a clean-shaven option, others will not - if this character doesn't have such an option then it would be awkward to do anything about it. Is this using the ty preset from the Genesis 9 Starter essentials, which is the name of the character in the scene? he doesn't look that stubble when freshly loaded, and there looks to be some 3Dness to the stubble so I suspect it is an option for the hair you are using - again, if you scroll down the list of immediate children of the figure you may see the item and if not check the options for the hair you are using (if you seelct it then any compatible presets should appear in Smart Content).