DS and zone alarm issues

I had to re-install windows 7 yesterday, and after installing DS4.8 (default install), everything was normal - until I installed zone alarm. Then DS wouldn't open, but hung at the 'connecting to CMS' screen.
I got fed up hunting around in zone alarm for a fix, so I finally solved the problem by uninstalling the PostGre or whatever it's called (no use to me anyway, since I don't use smart content). But I'm wondering if other people have had issues with DS and firewalls.
The reason I haven't had this issue before is that I was using Comodo as a firewall. ZA seems to be a lot tougher on apps.
It has been said in quite a few threads that there is a known conflict between Zone Alarm and PostGre
Spooky has mentioned it, and DAZ_Jon, possibly others as well.
Found this http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/941615/#Comment_941615 in the FAQ for 4.9 beta
ZA has long standing problems with PostgreSQL unfortunately.
Hope, DAZ-team is able to solve the problem.
We are not going to rebuild our computer security. Every other software runs without any problem !!
DAZ can't do anything about it, it's a problem for the creators of Zone Alarm and those of PostgreSQL.
I am looking around at the moment for a Zonealarm (antivirus+firewall) replacement, I have about 120 days left on my 2 years license and then I can move from Valentina to PostgreSQL - not that I have had any problems with Valentina, just a pain having to install Valentina when it doesn't come as standard anymore when installing DS now.
This is a general PostgreSQL/Zone Alarm issue not a DS issue. Unfortunately it has been going on for years and doesn't seem likely to be resolved.
What is zone alarm? Ive never heard of this.
Here's Rob's post on ZA and PostgreS http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/593430/#Comment_593430 - I've done a minor bit of research on this, and (personal opinion here) I think the issue is intentional. I have no idea why, but the problem has been outstanding for years with no fix from the ZA people.
ZoneAlarm is an internet security system including an antivirus and firewall.
Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to see if this was an issue id run into.
ZA is now not the same program that established its reputation as a leader in the software firewall business. Some of the long standing problems will never be fixed because ZA doesn't want them to be. It doesn't matter how intentional (or not) the problem is...it just is and there is one sure fix for it...ditch the bloated monstrosity that ZA has become and find something else.
I've just been running the Windows firewall from the beginning - it seems to work just fine. (No infections found in the last 6 years, anyway).
Thanks for all the replies. As long as it's not just me.
I did try. I gave all DS entries Super Trusted status, but it still wouldn't open. After I uninstalled Postgre, DS works fine. It's no biggie to me. I currently have 3 folders of content in DS - the 2 products I've released for DS 4.8, and the one I'm working on now, so smart content is a non-issue for me.
My Kaspersky license ran out a couple of months ago and I haven't bothered to renew it, so I've just got the Windows firewall too. No problems so far ("he says").
Windows firewall has come a long way since it was first released. That's one area where MS has taken suggestions and actually implemented them in a way that works for most folks.
So how do you know if that security suite is functioning correctly at all if it can't tell the difference between a common database and a virus?