DS missing a file ..what to do?

I just downloaded and installed DS v 4.8.059 ... using DAZ Install Manager... it came up missing the below file ... which I think does not allow the female character to load.
What should I do?
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf
I did download and install the required genesisi files for this..also , is GENISIS 3 a purchase prduct?
There are 3 different Genesis starter essential packages now
Genesis Starter Essentials
Genesis 2 Starter Essentials ;- which contains G2F and M2F installers
Gensis 3 Starter Essentials :- which contains G3F and M3F installers.
thanks... i didnt get anything with 3 version..the 2 version seems to be corrupted, as it trying to load the file but it can;t ... and when I try to insert a character, only the man is present.
I tried to reset everything and start over, but the install manager seems to be retaining the original download .... frustrating, as I figured I qwould, after many years, get into DS ..and then this happens.
Are you using the default locations for both DIM and DS?
yes ..left all .... I at first did download and install .... after installation, loaded DS ... the missing file popped up. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled Genesis 2 several times, as well as DS using DIM .... same missiing file everytime.
now I just uninstalled everything using DIM, restarted my system, and am manually installing, except I'm not sure where to place a couple of the products ...so will allow DIM to install those.
well ... reinstalled everything for about the 4th time and that one G2 file is still missing.
ok ...now it appears it just isnt G2 female missing ..all of the G ccharacters/figure are mssing a file. It appear the reason G2 file ops up right away is that is the default figure on a load. I tried loading G1 through G3 male and female and none of them work. They must be being installed in the worng place by the installer, which is installing to its default locations.
I toss this in here instead of opening up a new thread.
- I get a duplicate ID error when loading any Genesis 3 Female based figures.
- When loading either Genesis 3 Female and Genesis 3 Male I get the error message that AoA_Subsurface.dsf is not found
Is that AgeofAmour shader supposed to be part of the Genesis3 Starter Essentials?
Are those known errors?
I installed all content with DAZ connect inside DAZ Studio.
Currently using Daz Studio Pro BETA - version
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Bonus Question:
I did uninstall Genesis 3 Female and Male Head, Body and Expression morphs with the DIM.
Now I wanted to install them directly inside DAZ Studio but I cannot find those files neither in the "All" nor the "Available" tab.
Are they allready available? In which category am I supposed to look with "Filter by Context" disabled?
"girl at the beach" daz tutorial asks for "beautiful bend" from Howie
The AoA SSS Shader is in Default Lights and Shaders.
Please report the Girl at the beach issue if that's a store or bundled item.
daveso - please do an OS search for the missing file(s), and post the paths returned (if any) here.
Thank you. It seems the error is triggered by uninstalling the DIM version of the Default Lights and Shaders.
With only the DAZ connect version of the Default Lights and Shaders installed it seems the shader cannot be found.
Reinstalling the DIM version again did fix the error message.
Will submit a ticket with a bug report.