Quick question regarding dynamic cloth

Hello, I am trying to create a pile of clothes on the floor. I am using the free Optitex dynamic clothes but the problem I am having is that they fall right through my floor plane (even though I have selected floor as an object to collide with). I have read that this may be because the floor plane doesn't have enough vertices/is too low poly count. Can someone tell me how to create a floor with more vertices? Currently I am just using a flattened cube. Thanks in advance for any input!


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Ok I assume you made the cube in DS using the Create Primitive command, if so you can give it more divisions as you make in in the  Primitive window.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    more subdivisions can work, or the basic number it comes with works fine and adding them messes it up; it seems flaky about that.

  • djigneodjigneo Posts: 283

    Usually what I do in this scenario is to create a smaller, higher-poly primitive plane for the cloth to collide with, and set position it to be flush with the floor, or wherever desired. Then make it invisible so it doesn't appear in the render. Going this route also allows for "guiding" the drape towards a specific shape if the default drape doesn't look quite right (via different primitives or deforms, or whatever).

    Another gotcha to look out for is in the 'Collides with' options in Dynamic clothing, make sure unimportant things are excluded. Having cloth set to collide with eg. UberEnvironment 2 will cause things to flake out as well.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    djigneo said:

    Usually what I do in this scenario is to create a smaller, higher-poly primitive plane for the cloth to collide with, and set position it to be flush with the floor, or wherever desired. Then make it invisible so it doesn't appear in the render.

    Yeah that is what I do but the mesh has to be really fine. I normally go for 100 divisions

  • SethMSethM Posts: 65

    Also, start the drop/drape from a close to the surface as you can to get the shape you want. If you drop from too high the clothes seem to have enough velocity to pass through objects easily.

  • Thanks a lot everybody, that fixed my problem completely. I now have a nice pile of discarded clothing, victory!

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