Geometry editor modify not reflesh when re-load same item (solved)

I often tweak surface group ,then save it as new scene subset ( not to overwite original goruping) to customize mat easy.
then today I edit Cateye suit for G3F surface group to cut-out sleeve only, then add some new surface group, and adjust trim part for non sleeve style.
but I miss group some trim by roop selection, then delete it from scene, and load new item again. but it seems keep my modify geometry editing.
I know, I shut down DS once, then re-load new item can re-load the original item with original grouping. but it seems strange.
I felt if I delete DSON cash from user prefelence it return original group,
then delete the suit, clear cash. and re-load the suit by original product subset (wearable) again.
but it still keep new my modify surface group.
1. load genesis3female, select genesis3, then load product clothing from wealable preset.duf to the scene.
2 modify surface group of clothing by geometry editor. (add new surface group, then assgin some poligon)
3 delete the modified clothing from the scene.
4 re-load the same product clothing by wealable preset.duf (or subset offered as product)
5 it still keep modified surface group.
I do not remember, how it worked before (ds 4.7 etc) , and if I shut-down Daz stuido once, original can be load with original goruping. (not my modified surface group) (or I open new file, then re-load item again)
but it seems need to improve I think, or need to send report?

I've a feeling a similar issue has been raised before, but please send a report to make sure it's noted.
When you load an item into the scene the asset data is held in RAM, you make changes to the mesh/rig and those changes are also held in RAM, you can delete the item from the scene but the asset data will still be in RAM. I believe it's part of a resources saving system where it uses the data still in RAM rather than reading and reloading the DUF/DSF files.
Clearing the scene (File > New) should wipe the mesh/rig data from RAM.
Yes thank you Bejaymac. I understood how to solve it ^^ then just report here. (or I mss something,, if there is more smart way,,)
I can open new file to remove the problem as you said. (but I need to close the current working scene,, it is not good)
anyway I sent report already, because Richard said me so ^^;
(though I feel I had send same report before about geometry editor modify , and daz confirm it before,,, )