How much does Daz Studio Pro cost?

How much does Daz Studio Pro cost or is it free?
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How much does Daz Studio Pro cost or is it free?
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As was answered elsewhere, the program itself is free. Content can be found for free, both here and at other sites.
It's free (said in best Mr Humphries voice
I'm free
its free if you buy 3 of those............
the software is described as "freemium*", and there is no apparent way to grind for more gems
It's like winning a gold fish in a bag and you decide he needs a tank and some food, and friends, and a bubble making Cthulhu* thing that opens a box of treasure periodically.
My first guitar was free, several thousand dollars later I'm still playing the instrument, just not the one I started with.
* Please add to spell check Daz.
DAZ should put on the front page.
Download - DAZ STUDIO 4.8 PRO Now! It's 100% free.
With a very small asterisk by 'free' and at the bottom of the page "* caution - hanging around the store or the forums after the download can be detrimental to your finances"
Hi Ben,
indeed - the Program itself is for free.
But to be able to work with the characters, give them an individual shape, pose them, apply expressions, get clothes, hair, set them into some suitable environments, etc. costs a lot of money.
It is like it is with most of free offers: It is only to catch the customer and force him to spend a lot of extra money.
Expressions are available with the bases, though compound expression sets are add-ons. As with poses, the tools are there but if you want the conveninece of a ready to use combos it's an add-on.
There are lots of freebies available. You don't need to spend a dime unless you want to.
Don't I know it, just spent thirty bucks befeore I knew it!
DAZ needs a surgeon general's warning: "Warning: The surgeon general has deemed the DAZ shop to cause financial ruin in laboratory animals."
Detrimental to the finances?? No. Lethal to the finances of unprepared individuals. But oh so very fun!
It was free. Then some of us paid for it. And now it is free again.
Now if Bryce would get a Mac update....
I have an account that I use for demoing Studio to friends. It has never spent one penny in the store, but there's quite a lot of stuff in the content library by now, including M4 and V4 base.
When I demo it, I describe the revenue model as the "Gillette Razor Blade model" of marketing - the razor is cheap. The blades aren't particularly cheap, and you will always buy more of them.
Now that is a question that hurts me!
Answer - If you supported Daz Studio Pro when it first came out (I think it was ver 4.0) it cost quite a bit, not as much as Poser but I think I payed nearly £100 for it.($187.00)
And that was for an upgrade from Studio 3 that I had payed about £50 for.
A few months later (and still is) it was given away free, and the people who shelled out were given nothing, not even an offer of any kind.
That has left a very bad taste with me.
So much for supporting them.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great program and it's fantastic that it's free, I just think they should have compensated the people who payed for it.
I recall them talking with folks who'd had issues (it being free was still VERY new when I joined, and the conversations were...let's say 'hot and heavy'), and who'd paid for it within the last {some amount of time} and working stuff out individually with folks, because the range of prices folks had paid for it was REALLY wide. Like some folks had gotten it as a $1.99 PC item during the PC sale in 2011, and others had paid full price for it, so each person had to be dealt with mostly individually. It was a whole big thing, and talked about pretty extensively on the forums IIRC. I know they didn't compensate everybody, but I was fairly sure that folks who'd paid within a range of time got something...
That was two forums ago, though, unfortunately.
-- Morgan
Short-term costs, very low; long term are scary. :)
I'd prefer to call it 'enticewear'.