Genesis Female 8.1 Male Genitalia UV

I have been struggling with this issue since Genesis first came out and I could add male genitalia to create a Transgendered female character.
I want to get my UV map to match the skin of my female avatar. Now, I have created a "skin" for my GF8.1 character using the "Skin Builder 8 for Genesis 8 Female(s)" product.
I had to use a Genesis 8 Female model, but it still fit on the 8.1 model, so I am happy with that.
What I am struggling with now is to match up the skin on the "Genesis 8.1 Male Genitalia for Female" to the new skin I have created.
Some time ago I came upon a solution that worked for Genesis 2 and 3 that used the G2M Iray shader. This worked and I was content with the results.
I found instructions posted by a user/designer on how to do it and after several attempts I got it to work.
Now I find myself in the same predicament. I have an avatar, Genesis 8.1 Female with the "Genesis 8.1 Male Genitalia for Female" added,
I created the skin but now want to finish its genatalia. I have tried using the “Ultimate Iray Skin Manager” but the results are not what I want or expected.
Can anyone give me some directions, a tutorial, or other information, even a product, that would enable me to fix this issue?
I am including a screen shot, rendered in Iray, to show what it is I am struggling with.
Again I am working with a customized skin created using the "Skin Builder 8 for Genesis 8 Female(s)" product.

Are you using the generic Genitalia UV or do you use a different UV map, normally the body/torso?
And it is not enough the the texture match. Are you using same shader on the body and the genitalia?
And are all other skin settings identical between body and genitalia?
Are you using the generic Genitalia UV or do you use a different UV map, normally the body/torso?
What ever comes in when I attach the "Genesis 8.1 Male Genitalia for Female". I do not attach any UV maps to it.
But if I understand what you are asking then: For the Female model the UV Set is Base Female
For the Gens it is Default UVs. If this is not what you mean could you explain?
And it is not enough the the texture match. Are you using same shader on the body and the genitalia?
I am not sure what shader you mean or if I am. I created the skin with "Skin Builder 8 for Genesis 8 Female(s)" I did add the !Iray Uber Base shader because it was telling me I needed it.
And are all other skin settings identical between body and genitalia?
I believe so.
If there is a different and better process I would like to know it. This is driving me nuts....LOL!
If you mean the Male genital product you're using is SKU 64538 on RE site, there're scripts within the product which can copy texture / shader settings from the figure to the genital...
The products I am using are all from DAZ. If you know of something else perhaps you could contact me privately and direct me to what you are talking about.
With Genesis 8.1 the Aantomical Elements have both males and female versions for both the male and female characters. However, I don't believe there is automatic support for all maps - you need a character which has matching maps for the male anatomical elements.
Oh ? Is there such a "Genesis 8.1 Male Genitalia for Female" item from Daz3D product ? I PMed you the product I mentioned as above.
Skin Builder can well handle texture copy on female's genitalia but there's no Skin Builder for G8M up to now... as more work would be needed on male's genitals... so...
It seems I have to create the map. That is fine with me but I have no idea how to do that.
Does anyone know how that is done and can you walk me through it or point me in the direction of a tutorial?
I was hoping to do it with a shader as I did back with G2 and G3 but I can't seem to find anything one that.
Is there a shader like that for G8?
It was call "Iray Optimized Genesis 2 Male Mat" It gave me the results I wanted for that mode and for G3 too.
Can anyone tell me the process for creating and matching a skin map to the G8.1 Anatomical elements for male genetailia?
You'd need to extend the body map into the grafting edges of the Anatomical Eleemnts, then texture the rest of the element (from the same sources as the body) from there, which would be the same as texturing any other model.
I guess what I am looking for is some kind of tutorial on how this is done. I am not a UV map maker when it comes to the skins of the avatars.
I think I am asking what software programs I should use and how to go about getting the textures to match up.
I would love someone to make a product that did this automatically but no one seems to have done this, or at the very least I have not found one.
In order to paint a seamless texture, you would need a 3D painting program.
3rd party genitals, uses there own texture, and then blend it with the rest of the body, by having a blend layer. You can use the body surface as blend layer, if you map the UV to the body to the genitals.
I have Corel PhotoPaint. Are you saying I need to map the body uv map onto the gens model then use it to blend things in?
I know the maps are of different scale, which had been a road block for me to use that technique.
Not sure what you mean by a blend layer.
If you paint your genitals material independant of of the body you will get a seam.
And to avoid that you would blend the materials over the seam.
But as you probably don't want to touch the body material, you want the blending area to be on the genitals.
And in order to be able to blend with the body texture, the most obvious would be to use the body material from the body texture.
But the gentals UV map doesn't map up with the body UV map, so you would have to remap the genitals UV map to match.
When I say a blend layer, it doesn't have to be an actual layer. It could just be a part of the work process, or done in LIE. Some 3rd party products uses geoshells as blend layer.
There is some freebies, that matches the genital UV to match the body material. For men it is not an ideal solution as the texture get very compressed, i.e. very limited details. But it could be used as base for the blending.
All in all, it is unfortunately not a so simple.
I sort of understand what everyone is saying, and once I see what it takes to do it, I probably could.
I guess what I need is a video tutorial showing how to do it.
Thanks your your reply.
P.S. If anyone knows of a tutorial PM me with the link if you can. Thanks.
You presumably already know texturing, so all you need is a guide to texturing GeoGrafts in general. Although a custom UV set is certainly an option I think you will find most people who do this use an application that can paint to the mesh in 3D space.
I guess my issue is how to make it work. I know the textures are not the same scale as one another. For instance if I were to clone the texture from the body onto the one for the gens model the scale of the texture is much too small. So yes I think you are right, I need a guide to texturing GeoGrafts. If someone could point me in that direction? I use Corel PhotoPaint if that makes any difference.