can't find the specs for DS any more

manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414

not so long ago, before the interface changed again, i had found the minimal/ideal specs to run DS properly, somewhere on the "technology" pages, but i think they have totally changed. couldn't find them on other pages either. now there's a lot more PR stuff and all kinds of shiny - but this essential information, that should be easy to find directly under technology... where is it now? in case i can find some way to finance a "new" (prolly 2nd hand,,,) computer, i need a reference.

EDIT: after a long search, i found some info well hidden in the "wiki" aka docimentation center . HOWEVER i looked at the date... July 17, 2017
i dunno if that's the original date when the page/article was created, and if anyone does regularly update the info, but otherwise 2017 isn't exactly fresh, 6+ years in the computer and/or 3D world is pretty much antediluvian ~

Post edited by manekiNeko on


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