Specifying Character Dimensions

in New Users
Can anyone tell me if there's a way to specifically define dimensions for the Genesis 8.1 male figure? Measure metrics will show what the character's dimensions are, but it doesn't make changes. I know that there are sliders, but it only offers percentages. I need to input specific measurements (height, bust, waist, etc) and have the figure adjusted to them. Is there a way to do that or a plug-in that does it? Or is it just a deficiency in DAZ3D?
The Figuer Metrics script that is part of Measure metrics will allow you to specify actual mesaurements, but you will need to to tell it which proeprty to use for most of them (it has only a few configured by default), and you will need to be careful that your choice for one adjustment will not work against another measuemtn. I would advise making as few measures active as possible to avoid undesirable cifnlicts, and to speed the process.