I want more smileys and frowneys for this forum! oh wait I think I have that in my current signature. I still want them so please have a contest or something.
I want something to eat but I am not sure what to eat. hmm
Eat your greens
Don't forget your beans & celery
Don't forget to bring Your fake I.D.
Eat a bunch of these
With sauerkraut
Eat a grape, a fig A crumpete too
You'll pump 'em right through
Eat your shoes
Don't forget the strings And sox
Even eat the box Your bought 'em in
You can eat the truck That brought 'em in
Garbage truck
Mouldy Garbage truck
Eat the truck
And driver
And his gloves
Micah is looking out the window. I could move him out of the window, but I am afraid he will go back on the sofa and look out the window. He likes looking out the window.
My catlings are sitting in the kitchen sink playing with the drips from the tap. If I turn the tap off the bigger one turns round and meeeooouuws till I turn it back on again, but they only like it trickling, not running fast.
Micah is now sleeping on a bar chair I have for some reason. Or at least he is trying to sleep. His eyes are now closed but a couple seconds ago they were a bit open.
Melody is in my kitchen. She was on my footstool. I am short which is why I have a foot stool. She almost jumped on my counter but I saw her and said no.
My catlings are sitting in the kitchen sink playing with the drips from the tap. If I turn the tap off the bigger one turns round and meeeooouuws till I turn it back on again, but they only like it trickling, not running fast.
Our last cat was very fond of the bathroom washbasin. She'd lick the tap to "milk" it if it wasn't wiling to drip, as well as batting at the stream if it was running gently.
My catlings are sitting in the kitchen sink playing with the drips from the tap. If I turn the tap off the bigger one turns round and meeeooouuws till I turn it back on again, but they only like it trickling, not running fast.
Our last cat was very fond of the bathroom washbasin. She'd lick the tap to "milk" it if it wasn't wiling to drip, as well as batting at the stream if it was running gently.
Today, maybe because it was so hot, it was almost as though they were playing like kids do, flicking the water at each other, one each side of the sink.
Here is a pic of my baby "Precious" when we first got her 8 yrs ago. She passed away 1 month ago. Was very difficult for the wife and I, so the next day we picked up another kitty. That helped us get through it much easier. I will post a pic of the new kitty "Callie" soon.
Ledhead, Sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm glad the new kitty is helping in that.
Of the seven cats my husband and I have had, all passed on now, only one liked to play with the water.. He liked to have the water streaming lightly so that he could either bat it or drink from it.He also had the weird habit of liking to watch the toilet water flush.
Thank ya'll for bringing this sweet memory back to the surface for me.:)
Here is a pic of my baby "Precious" when we first got her 8 yrs ago. She passed away 1 month ago. Was very difficult for the wife and I, so the next day we picked up another kitty. That helped us get through it much easier. I will post a pic of the new kitty "Callie" soon.
Ahh she was a darling, sorry to hear about your loss. Our two new ones were 6 months old when we got them from the rescue centre, so we missed the real tiny kitten bit.
However 2 catlings together are quite challenging sometimes, as it is nearly 20 years since we had youngsters around, our last one was turned 18 yrs old when we lost him about 18 months ago.
These are the new ones. Not a good photo as my camera is dieing.
THey have claimed the box as theirs, so we can't throw it away.
:long: that's not a cow!
Are you loosing it? :smirk:
Grtz Jean-Claude ;-P
Oh my, ROFLMAO, made my day :-)
Losing it?
I guess so...
Oh my, ROFLMAO, made my day :-)
Glad you enjoyed it :red:
Now we need some good smileys!
A new contest for the new forum?
Can't help but wondering what was deleted :smirk: .
And looks like you still got it MOOkrateas, should have known better :red: .
Grtz Jean-Claude
I want more smileys and frowneys for this forum! oh wait I think I have that in my current signature. I still want them so please have a contest or something.
In light of this fiasco DAZ created, it's stuff like this that keeps us sane. Freakin' funny!!
I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.
and another
I want something to eat but I am not sure what to eat. hmm
Eat your greens
Don't forget your beans & celery
Don't forget to bring Your fake I.D.
Eat a bunch of these
With sauerkraut
Eat a grape, a fig A crumpete too
You'll pump 'em right through
Eat your shoes
Don't forget the strings And sox
Even eat the box Your bought 'em in
You can eat the truck That brought 'em in
Garbage truck
Mouldy Garbage truck
Eat the truck
And driver
And his gloves
Lyrics to Mister Green Genes by Frank Zappa
Not sure why I need a fake id. I do not want to eat a driver of a dump truck.
I luuuuuuuuuurve the pink
and there is orange!!!
grey kinda blahhhhh
bown for those poopy posts!
love the extra new forum colours
and easy to insert!
Micah is looking out the window. I could move him out of the window, but I am afraid he will go back on the sofa and look out the window. He likes looking out the window.
Just grabbin' the opportunity of the runaway thread to up my post count a bit :)
Micah is no longer looking out the window. He is now next to the door and he is licking himself.
I need to find that american express gift card so I can make my purchase. Where did I put it?
My catlings are sitting in the kitchen sink playing with the drips from the tap. If I turn the tap off the bigger one turns round and meeeooouuws till I turn it back on again, but they only like it trickling, not running fast.
Micah is now sleeping on a bar chair I have for some reason. Or at least he is trying to sleep. His eyes are now closed but a couple seconds ago they were a bit open.
Melody is in my kitchen. She was on my footstool. I am short which is why I have a foot stool. She almost jumped on my counter but I saw her and said no.
Our last cat was very fond of the bathroom washbasin. She'd lick the tap to "milk" it if it wasn't wiling to drip, as well as batting at the stream if it was running gently.
Our last cat was very fond of the bathroom washbasin. She'd lick the tap to "milk" it if it wasn't wiling to drip, as well as batting at the stream if it was running gently.
Today, maybe because it was so hot, it was almost as though they were playing like kids do, flicking the water at each other, one each side of the sink.
Both of my cats are in the kitchen. One of them is on the stool and the other is on the floor.
Here is a pic of my baby "Precious" when we first got her 8 yrs ago. She passed away 1 month ago. Was very difficult for the wife and I, so the next day we picked up another kitty. That helped us get through it much easier. I will post a pic of the new kitty "Callie" soon.
Ledhead, Sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm glad the new kitty is helping in that.
Of the seven cats my husband and I have had, all passed on now, only one liked to play with the water.. He liked to have the water streaming lightly so that he could either bat it or drink from it.He also had the weird habit of liking to watch the toilet water flush.
Thank ya'll for bringing this sweet memory back to the surface for me.:)
Ahh she was a darling, sorry to hear about your loss. Our two new ones were 6 months old when we got them from the rescue centre, so we missed the real tiny kitten bit.
However 2 catlings together are quite challenging sometimes, as it is nearly 20 years since we had youngsters around, our last one was turned 18 yrs old when we lost him about 18 months ago.
These are the new ones. Not a good photo as my camera is dieing.
THey have claimed the box as theirs, so we can't throw it away.
So that is how you got such a high count.
Not that I don't like cats. I have a special place for them.
The invisible laptop, chohole. Wonder what the cats typing...
Hey! If we're we're all post whoring in here with cats, then you all need to see MY baby girl, Chloe! <3</p>
all my cat pics too big for the forum limit without resizing function
Wendy made me buy iClone 5 and all the crap that goes with it this weekend! I hope my other half doesn't see the credit card bill anytime soon!
THankkkkkksssssssssss Weenddyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
:) :)