What is the Genesis Starter Kit and do I need it now that I have updated to 4.5?

What is the Genesis Starter Kit and do I need it now that I have updated to 4.5?
Is it something I would be better off installing? Or does the new file that comes with 4.5 replace it?
Hi...me again :)
Do you mean the Genesis Starter Bundle in the Store? or the 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx that was in your downloads with DS 4.5?
The GenesisStarterEssentials should be installed as it has all the updated default content for 4.5 including the updated base Genesis files.
As for the content in the Store Bundle, if you already own those items you can check here
http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3885/ for the list of updated Genesis content and then Reset your downloads as needed. More info in that thread.
Hope this helps... :)
If you install Dazstudio 4.5 you'll discover there are no base male/female genesis figures.......you'll find these figures in the GenesisStarterEssentials 1.3.......so yeah...you need to download and install.
After installing 4.5, I went ahead and tried to update all my downloads from the store to make sure I had the most updated versions.
Among the files in the downloads section were the Genesis Starter Kit files:
Were these the ones replaced by the 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx file?
I believe they were but wanted to be sure.
The Starter kit is a content creation tutorial and guide for Genesis, the StarterEssentials is the free content that used to be part of the DS4.0 download, it's now a separate download with 4.5.
You only need the Starter kit if you intend to make your own clothes for Genesis, but you do need the StarterEssentials as that is Genesis.
No, that is an item for Hexagon modelling by Fugazi, and has nothing at all to do with the file 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx.exe, which MUST be installed with the 4.5 version to get the latest Genesis figures in DUF format.
The question is what is in the 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx file?
I am having an issue with duplicate id signatures when I installed this with new DAZ 4.5 install. Was I supposed to uninstall any previous versions of genesis files?
The duplicate IDs is a seperate problem. You may need to reset and redownload the items that are giving you that message to get the latest versions. There is also a script that can fix these errors, I'll see if I can find a link.
Here is the link to the script, half way down the page : Fix Duplicate IDs : http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/293/