What’s the easiest way to make my 3D mannequin wear clothes.

We are a photography studio. We are doing maternity photos. We don't feel comfortable sharing our client photos wearing maternity dresses or gowns as an example for the gowns. We currently have. I'm experienced Photoshop user and a 3-D designer but I don't have time to design these clothes in 3-D. What could be the easiest method to show case those maternity dresses with a mannequin figurine?


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Surely the easiest way would be to pay actual models to pose in the real-life clothing? I'm sure you can either find pregnant models or models that can wear "pregnancy suits" (or whatever they would be called). Alternatively, maybe you can actually buy a mannequin that simulates pregnancy? It would be a bit odd for a photography studio to demonstrate their skills without using actual photos? Unless I am misunderstanding your business?

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited November 2023

    Tryinig to understand what you need.  

    You have realworld photos of your clients wearing maternity clothes. But you want to replace the real life people with a 3D mannequin basically in the same pose and photo-shopped into the image, thus hiding the people, but still usable in a 3D workspace.

    If understood corectly,  then perhaps photogrammetry could be an option.  

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited November 2023

    If so... since you're a Photoshop user, AI might be another option that you may "replace" your client's figure with a "mannequin" just in Ps, plus some post-work... but as long as there'll no potential dispute from your clients.

    I used to be a photographer so I have to ask: why don't you directly go for photo shooting with "maternity dresses on the mannequins" ?

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561
    edited November 2023

    to replace a person with a daz figure, you need to composite the person's clothing (from photograph) with daz figure (rendered), matching the following:

    • lighting, i.e., spatial properties like direction and distance, intensity, color (important)
    • photo/render angle (important)  - https://www.daz3d.com/fspy-project-importer-for-daz-studio
    • photograph/render camera lens physical parameters (important)
    • photo lens/render camera aberrations etc (less important)


    probbaly easier to just load photoshop, crop out head of your pregnant lady, save. 

    Post edited by lilweep on
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