Trying to learn to animate the camera but...

Hi, I'm trying to learn how to animate but as is the case with soooo many of the daz "tutorials' the video's are either outdated, have no sound or as in this case, the documentation center tutorials..the images are non functioning. It's a little hard to learn when you cant see the pictures. How bout we stop worrrying so much about selling stuff and focus on the noobs out here who are trying to learn. Please....
I cannot find one single decent animation tutorial that I can use... if anyone would please help it would be appreciated. I love this program and everything Daz but
dammit it is frustrating when I can't find anyone to help me. I have offered $25 an hour for someone in Bradenton, or Sarasota Florida to come to my home and show me how to animate. Heck, what else can I do?
It seems the animating thread has gone awol ... hmmm wonder when that happened.
Anyhow, okay ... animating ... people from all over the world use these forums so you may get help but just not right away ...
there are some video tutorials at I do not have the links handy. While the programs used may be older ones, the principles are the same.
"in a nutshell" Put a decent number of frames on the timeline ... place the marker at the beginning, pose the character. Move the marker, pose the character, repeat ....
Then hit the ">" to playback the animation.
Render out sections to .png files, knit those together in a movie editing program.
Your subject line mentions the camera, though the body of the post doesn't (please don't put salient infirmatuion in the subject line only). If you are having trouble specifically with animating cameras make sure you are using an actual camera, not the Perspective View, as the latter doesn't animate (or get remembered between sessions, or added to the undo stack).
the cameras in daz studio always had weird behavior when crossing zero in rotation
I, too, had trouble getting started with animation. The timeline confused me, and I couldn't find tutorials under any search keywords that seemed logical. Eventually I saw information about Animate2 and bought that. Didn't help because I couldn't find an aniblock that moved the camera, just objects. Another forum post mentioned GraphMate and KeyMate. Those have video tutorials that helped me understand how the whole timeline thing worked. I did end up buying both products, and I used them a lot, but even without a purchase, the tutorials are extremely helpful to understand the concepts of animation in DAZ.
So, first of all you need to add a camera. I'm new to this part of things (EDIT: in DAZ Studio - working with cameras, lights, etc., I usually used the Content Creation Tools and aniMate2), but I think it's in the Create menu.
Either move it with the translate/rotate tools by hand, or by selecting it as the view you're looking through.
Make sure you have the timeline open and move the time slider to wherever in time you'd like it to be. Now do the above mentioned methods of camera movement. If the camera is visible in the timeline, you should now see a keyframe. If you own aniMate2, you will now also have the option to bake your timeline into an aniBlock.
aniMate2 has powerful animation features built into it and has a good selection of video learning in their (goFigure) YouTube site. I've never imagined using it for cameras, but for some things you might just find aniMate2's cool editing options (as seen in their videos) on your camera movements(?).
Does that help? I'm happy to help if I can, but I'm normally found in the Carrara forum. If you ask me a question and I don't respond, copy a link to the forum thread and shoot me a PM. I love animating!
In Carrara, I load in several cameras to shoot different points of view for the same work of animation. This gives me a lot more mileage when cutting together clips of video. I name them accordingly: "FilmCam 1", FilmCam 2", Rosie Full, Rosie Face, Dartan Full... you get the picture. I'm fairly certain that such things can also be done in DAZ Studio. When I get some time I'll give it a try.
No err doodoo :)