Question about motion blur - and the manual switches languages

Arranging a scene with motion blur.  Reading through the manual and all seemed well.  However, then there was this section in another language.  Um, is this something I need translated?  Or, is it just wishing me good luck?

Carrara Refernece Manual page 656

To set Motion Blur options:

Intensity: controls how many frames will be used to compute the effect

Blur: enables the blur of the frames used for the effect.

Blur Radius: controls the strength of the blur

• Ρενδερ Φιρστ Φραμεσ: ρενδερσ ορ νοτ τηε φιρστ φραμεσ οφ τηε ανιματιον. Ωηεν υνχηεχκεδ, τηε φιρστ φραμεσ αρε ρεπλαχεδ βψ α βλαχκ ιμαγε υντιλ ενουγη δατα ηασ βεεν γατηερεδ.


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2015

    Which version is your manual?

    My version 7 manual has much the same stuff written about Motion Blur, but I have none of the gibberish text, and the page number is 790, not 656. Page 656 in my version talks about key frames, tweeners and the sequencer.

    My theory about the gibberish text, is that it could be a corrupted font, either on your system or when the .pdf was generated.

    Edited to add that my manual is the Carrara 7 manual, revision G, December 11, 2008.

    Picture 1.png
    753 x 946 - 128K
    Picture 2.png
    736 x 937 - 132K
    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    This version of the reference guide is from Carrara 6.  Must be Greek, Russian, or whatever for "Render first frames..."

  • They used to have the version 7 manual linked to on a wiki page here, but I think that is long gone. That was always my biggest pet peeve, is that they had a C7 manual, but couldn't be bothered to update the C7 downloads to include the proper manual- instead we got the C6 manual. They even shipped the C6 manual with C8, which seemed lazy at best, and idiotic at worst.

    If you have C8.5, did you get the C7 manual with it?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Yes, thanks - the C7 manual is in the help tab.  It corresponds to what you said.  Thanks.

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