Second Life and Daz

Hi, hope this is the right place to ask... please move it if not :)
I have what appears to be a simple issue but nowhere can I find help :(
I make a simple sit pose in Daz, (Using the secondlife avatar files), export it to sl only to find it half a metre under the ground... How can i control the exact hight my result is place in second life?
In U-poser (Inworld tool) I can simply move the root prim and thereby have total control over where my pose puts the avatar.
Its no problem if I put the pose in a pose ball, but I wish to use the poses in animations as well.
Hope you can help, the Second life Daz inworld group seems dead and the second life forums have turned up nothing :(
Kind regards :)
Hi, hope this is the right place to ask… please move it if not
I have what appears to be a simple issue but nowhere can I find help :(
I make a simple sit pose in Daz, (Using the secondlife avatar files), export it to sl only to find it half a metre under the ground… How can i control the exact hight my result is place in second life?
In U-poser (Inworld tool) I can simply move the root prim and thereby have total control over where my pose puts the avatar.
Its no problem if I put the pose in a pose ball, but I wish to use the poses in animations as well.
Hope you can help, the Second life Daz inworld group seems dead and the second life forums have turned up nothing :(
Kind regards
Merged second thread on the issue. If you like, we can move this to new users help, in general please ask a member of the forum team to move a thread if you wish it to be in another forum, rather than starting a second therad.
If it's always half a metre inside the ground, just select your figure and go to Create->New Null and translate it up by 50 cm before exporting.
ReDave thanks so much, last question hopefully, it gives me sevral options when creating a new null, which shall I use? (apply default settings, apply active viewpoints, target new null with selected items?) And when I export will the new null be included?
"Target New Null with Selected Item(s)". It will parent all the selected items to the null and save you a step in the workflow. ;)
I do not play Second Life so I'm not sure if the null will be included, but I'm almost certain it doesn't.
Hi :) Nope its not :( BUT I solved the issue by adding primitives at sl sit, stand, lie ground levels, a tedious process, but it works :) On a side issue I still havn´t managed to get a serial number for my downloaded Daz studio so I can´t get the add ons until I have that figured out, they are not in my serial numbers in my account, don´t seem to be able to get them, may have to download it again. I have used Daz studio to create some poses so far and its been great, so I hope I can eventually get this bit sorted :)
Hmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but on the one hand the null shouldn't be exported but on the other hand its translations should be baked in the final export. If it doesn't that is most certainly a bug.
The serial should be included in the zip (although the method of assigning it has changed so much lately that I'm not sure I'm current).