Applying Mesh Smoother

Since upgrading to 4.5, I seem to have issues with mesh smoother slowing everything down.
I'm not sure what to do, as it has made certain scenes, especially those involving the supercape to hang, and slow to a crawl every time I move the figure or ajust it.
I have tried selecting everything and turning off mesh smoother, but it still seems to be on. Is there some better way to make this work smoother or disable mesh smoother until I'm ready to render?
Try lower the iterations.
Is there a universal way to turn this off for the entire file? Because I thought I'd turned off mesh smoothing altogether.
Not that I could find. Each item in the scene has a seperate on/off button for smoothing, you'll have have to turn it off and lock it for each item. also turn off interactive update (it's the button that shows up with smoothing.