Color Picker for Daz Studio

There should be a section on the Forums dedicated to questions regarding products sold in the store. If there is one, feel free to move this post.
Anyway, the Color Picker looked very useful and in the cart it went. Now, I would have appreciated a PDF to explain how it works and how to use it. I know there is a video on the product page, but a PDF is much easier to have handy and follow than a youtube video. Especially for people who have hearing problems.
I have HyperSnap installed on my system, and whenever I click the Pick Color button, HyperSnap takes a screenshot of the screen and not Color Picker. I noticed that one must have at least .Net Framework 4.5 installed. I believe that is pre-installed in Windows 10.
You didn't miss anything. Nothing but some classical music with that video. There's a table with a list of which Net Framework is installed on the various windows OS found in the following MS document along with how to check using regedit. (Chart says Windows 10 comes with Net Framework 4.6)
BTW, looks like a handy tool although I'm still pondering whether to purchase it or not.
Since it's a DS-only thing, moved to Daz Studio Discussion. For things that aren't application-specific, would be the appropriate forum.
Thanks. I think I'll be submitting a ticket, requesting a PDF.
I found this for HyperSnap: Color Picker uses the Print Screen key to do a screen capture.
As for a pdf... I guess I could.. As basically a programmer and a visual person, I'm not very good at writting things out. Between the promo images, and the YouTube demo, I felt there was enough information to use Color Picker. A pdf would be just the same as that information, except in screen shots.
Works fine on Windows 8.1. Lots of fun using this color picker.. Quick and easy to use. :)
Thank you very much DraagonStorm for this plugin. It works fine in W7Pro both with D/S4.6. Works logically ;-)
I use this, it is free, but another thing I find useful is
This is also helpful sometimes, it being PHP you will find it all over the web with various people claiming it as their own
Could be wrong but I think people may be missing the point of this plugin. It works "inside" D/S. On it you can select the mesh, the surfaces ... then the colour dial to be affected ... then call for the colour and the plugin applies it. Was working with it today while working on something for a tutorial on making skins. It is a wonderful time-saver and is worth a lot more than the cover price IMHO.
Yes, and so does a number of other screen capture software. So perhaps Color Picker should have a unique trigger
I've figured it out now.
Not really to be facetious. But maybe those others need to have a unique trigger?
Missing the point at very very large. When color is introduced in dial, several clicks and type are needed to set only a color in one surface. If a external picker is used its output still needs to be typed in DAZ, just the boring part of this business. So, external pickers are not the same tool that Draagonstorm tool. DS color picker covers the function of a external picker and in addition use this output as input that goes directly to surfaces. Color extractors are another thing, and can make a perfect couple with DS color picker, I have an eye in this (and now in the Yofiel link).