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Hmmm... the problem seems to be that what I thought was my full DS4.8 default content directory only contains a few scripts (Scripts > Utilities > MoveScripts / Scene Builder ), so I don't know where my content went - either that or forgot to install it !
So I've just copied the contents of the 'Content' folder from '' (I don't like/use CMSS) to my DS4.8 default content directory and I now see stuff in the 'Content Library' tab, but still nothing under 'Surfaces > Presets'.
(I didn't copy the 'Manifest.dsx' or Supplement.dsx')
Also none of those shaders seem to be the ones in szark's post.
Try updating your metadata via the Content DB Maintence option in the Content library dropdown as the thumbs appear to have no association as shaders.
The MDl examples are not what your after, the shaders should be in the Daz Uber folder above the one you have selected.
Okay, I found the '!Iray Uber Base' exactly where you said, applied that, and now it's all slowly beginning to make sense... :)
I'm beginning to like Iray
Sweet, you got the displacement working?
Not really, not yet...
The !Iray Uber Base shader didn't give me any SubD on the Surfaces tab, but the NVidia MDL examples did - e.g. 'Architectural' has SubD Displacement Level
(Note:I'm not seeing anything under Surfaces > Presets (as mentioned in the conversation with Razor42), so I'm applying the shaders from the Content Library).
I think I'm getting similar results to the SubD on the Parameters tab, i.e. 3=nothing (64 faces), 6=lumpy (4096 faces), 9=close (262144 faces). I could get exactly what I want (my example 3Delight render in the OP) in a modeler using a 1240 face mesh, so using a zen square and a displacement map doesn't seem like a practical option in Iray.
Haven't really tested displacement with a higher density mesh, but I guess I'll get similar results to the SubD above. But I'll do a test anyway - some time.
And I remember a conversation several months (maybe years) ago where somebody was asserting that displacement only displaced mesh vertices, and I posted DAZ 3Delight and Poser Firefly renders of a zen square with Suzanne's face embossed on it using displacement. I'm now thinking that they were talking about a different type of render engine... and Iray looks to be one of those.
The checkerboard was just an easy example.I've always been a displacement fiend, and one of my favourites has always been plugging random noise into the displacement channel. Looks like Iray is going to take that little pleasure away from me...
Reflection on the other hand - I've noticed a couple of things (note: haven't really adjusted any Iray Surface settings other than diffuse,reflection and displacement):
- After only a few passes there doesn't appear to be any reflection, but as I let Iray run it gradually gets clearer.
- The reflection's much easier to see with a dark diffuse. With 3Delight/Firefly I'm used to using a white diffuse. I think one key to 'getting' Iray is kicking some of those old unbiased habits.
Yes, Iray does displacement differently than 3DL. And I think you are right about it doing vertex displacement.
Sub-D in the shader will only show up if there is displacement strength and trust me it is there and it doesn't matter where you are loading the Iray base shader from as there is only one set of Iray default shaders, just accessible from different panes.
Ah, so it does ! I'd added a displacement map but left the strength slider at 0. And regarding loading the shader from the library or presets I'd assumed (and hoped) that was the case.
{Edit(4Dec): Just found this old Iray Displacement thread from June - I thought there'd be one somewhere. Added the link to an existing post so as not to bump the thread}
I'm having some fun with Iray now, importing some of my old PZ3's and using my own environmental lighting sets. Having problems with lots of materials because I often user Poser-specific shader networks. So I'm looking at the best way to convert these. Now under the DS4.8 Shader Presets > Iray there seems to be a preponderance of shaders for doingarchitectural and automobile renders ! E.g.
- The 'DAZ Uber' selection seems to me mostly glass/metallic
- The 'NVIDIA MDL Examples' seem to be mostly automotive/architectural materials.
So where's a good place to start for, say, human skin in Iray. Are AgeOfArmour's !Subsurface Base Shader and Omnifreaker's !HumanSurface Base good for this?
How generic is the !Iray Uber Base shader ? Is it a sensible thing to apply to human skin, hair, soil, fabrics, etc?
Yes the Iray Uber shader is the all rounder complete with SSS (Subsurface Scattering) and Translucency to do human skin etc. This thread discusses skin a bit of a read though.