is it possible to use conformating dress and dynamic dress together

Hi I was thinking is it possible to first animate a conformating dress then convert it to dynamic dress and use drape in some single frames to get the best result?
How can I convert conformating dress to dynamic dress?or vice vercia ?I'm working with daz 3d 4.8.
I've heard a bit about Optitex is it gonna help me?plz some one explain and help me a bit.
Dynamics require special products, you can't convert a regular item to dynamic. Most dynamic set do conform roughly, so that you can set the pose and do a drape immediately rather than having to start from a zero pose in frame 0, apply your target pose in a later frame, and do an animated drape - some items, however, are not suitable for this treatment.
You mean most dynamic clothes do confromating job too ??!!
And there's no way to convert conformating to dynamic ?
No, there's no way to convert conforming clothing to dynamic in DS.
Tnx but you said in DS do you mean in another sofware we can convert or create these kind of clothes for daz I mean a program out of daz which creates and convertes for daz yeah?
Pose allows this, although I understand there can be issues. looks truly amazing, but isn't cheap; it isn't, however, imo way off if I decide to have a go. (I like dynamics - clothes generally look far more realistic.)
DS uses dynamic clothing made with the Optitex system - this is a $10,000ish suite of tools.
Optitex yeah I've heard there's a plugin called Optitex which does this so BTW it's not impossible.I keep researching on this subject.
Optitex does not convert conforming clothes to dynamic. It is a system used by the fashion industry to create clothes simulations and real patterns, and there is a way to convert those clothes simulations for use in DS which is available to PA.
Tnx for reply and 2 questions:what is PA and what's that way to convert those clothes to daz????
and a question so it shouldn't be a plugin you mean if I get Optitex v11 for example I can create the cloth then by the way that you know I can convert it to daz right?
PA = Published Artist. If you could afford the license for Optitex I'd imagine you could come to an arrangment with Daz for the conversion tool (I don't think it's being wilfully withheld, just that hardly anyone has the software to create the content in the first place). Note that this still isn't converting an OBJ into dynamic clothing.
tnx but
Leana said:
there's a way to convert optetix cloth to daz I couldn't find anything is there any tutorial?I mean i'm a bit confused should I use a plugin or the optetix software itself to create clothes for daz and how to convert them ? :|
The Optitex software is used to create the clothing patterns, which then can be converted to Ds capability again with the Optiex software. So as Richard said you need to invest somewhere in the region of $10,000 in order to make dynamic clothing for Daz Studio. I believe that the $10,000 does include some training in the program.
To hopefully add some clarity to this discussion, the key points are:
Even Optitex toolset will not enable you to convert existing clothing or obj files to dynamic, you create the clothes from scratch with it.
It used to be possible; as in there was a work round that allowed it on non-dynamic clothes; the loophole (if that's what it was) was closed, beginning of last year maybe.
There was a thread, but it died when it was closed. It may still be about; I have enough otherwise, especially considering the occasional ones I get from character bundles.
Funny really, I might actually buy clothes if they could be made dynamic.
Optitex definitely lets you import OBJ files.
Yes but that's for the avatar you put the clothes on, not for the clothes themselves. You design those with the suite as you would design a sewing pattern.
Yes, I remember there was a way to edit the DS files to add some dynamic capabilities to existing clothes, IIRC it used the material zones as the base for the "pattern pieces" Optitex system uses. But that doesn't work anymore, so right now there's no way to do that.