Newbie Tip (Ctrl + L)

I purchased an environment, a building, room, a scene, something I can't remember.  A PDF came with it that included a tip I wish I'd known about.  I use this tip often.  Lets say you purchase a roller skating rink.  When it loads you see almost nothing but darkness.  This is because the scene uses only emissive lighting.  How do I move & pose a figure or prop when I can't see?  Do not put your PC to the curb.  Give it to me, no, don't do that.  I'll add spot lights so I can see!  No don't do that either.  Just hit Ctrl + L on your keyboard and now you can see.  L for light.  Such a simple thing yet so usefull. 

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If you have any tips you care to share please do so.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,913

    Since there are a lot of threads about this: if a dForce hair isn't rendering, hit Alt+Shift+U (activate the Universal Tool) and try rendering again. dForce hair/SBH won't render if certain tools are active, including geometry editor and Mesh Grabber, so a quick Alt+Shift+U makes sure you're on a tool that won't cause problems.

  • Gordig said:

    Since there are a lot of threads about this: if a dForce hair isn't rendering, hit Alt+Shift+U (activate the Universal Tool) and try rendering again. dForce hair/SBH won't render if certain tools are active, including geometry editor and Mesh Grabber, so a quick Alt+Shift+U makes sure you're on a tool that won't cause problems.

    Thank you for the contribution.  I've attempted to use Mesh Grabber to fix hands on hip poke-throughs via timeline dForce dresses.  This resulted in me wanting sculpt tools inside DAZ Studio.  I wanted so badly to select the dress, switch to sculpt mode & hold down shift to smooth the areas the fingers were poking through on the hips.  Most people probably know this but I'll post it just in case.  You have a non-dForce shirt.  You make it dForce by right-clicking on the Simulatation Settings tab - dForce - Add dForce Modifier: Dynamic Surface.  In the Simulation Settings tab turn off "Start Bones From Memorized Pose."  Change "Frames To Simulate" to Animated (Use Timeline Play Range).  Starting with just 31 frames & a base figure at frame 0 move to around frame 15 & add morphs.  At around frame 25 add pose.  Try Collision Mesh Resolution: Base first.  Not satified with the results?  Try changing Collision Mesh Resolution to "Viewport."  If that doesn't get the required results before changing more Simulation Settings try (from my notepad) "bend stiffness 0.1 in surfaces tab after dforce modifier applied."  If that doesn't work then fiddle with the Simulation settings.  If that doesn't work ask someone who has experience in weight painting.  That's all I've got in that department for now.  I'll have more after I create some outfits.

  • Morph Loader Pro shortcut:

    Right-click on the "Scene" tab > Assets > Morph Loader Pro

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,913

    Dragging a slider and want to set it back to where it is? Simply right-click.

    Want to set a slider back to its default/memorized position? Alt+click.

  • Gordig said:

    Dragging a slider and want to set it back to where it is? Simply right-click.

    Want to set a slider back to its default/memorized position? Alt+click.

    I knew the Alt+click but wasn't aware of right-click setting it back to where it was.  Thanks for the tip! 

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