Gen 3 issues

I dont do art with the Gen 3 model yet and was going to start but I noticed some people having issues with a fishy lip looking model with big buggy eyes. Is that the norm for these models or is that a software problem? I found this pic online, what is the deal? Is this the actual base for V7 ??

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Post edited by Jenkins3D on
Simple that is not the normal.
Well, does you know what causes this ?? I dont wanna buy something and then this happens. I need to know if its a Daz version issue or a model issue.
There are dials for morphs, if you mix them, you can do weird stuff. Take a look at all the images you do like, then make a decission.
But that wasnt a dial morph, that was just a regular V7 import from what i read.
A wild guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if the person who had that problem had another morph saved with "set to 1 by default" so it was mixed with V7 when they loaded it.
That looks like at least one morph doubling up...caused by what Leana posted.
This is Victoria 7:
What you've shown has definitely got some morphs applied in a wrong manner. Very possibly what Leana said.
I found out they had to zero the figure then redial in the body and head and it worked fine??? That is nuts!
Then it's definitely a case where they had another morph combined with V7.
Yes, it can often be user error.
Or a product, possibly a freebie, saved with a non-zero default value. Load a new Genesis 3 fenmale base, in the Parameters pane go to Currently Used - what is listed there?
Thats the weird thing...the base Gen 3 model loads fine, its only the other characters that are purchased. They all do it,
That shouldn't be possible - they are all loading the same assets files. Could you do the Currently Used thing for both the G3F base and, say, Victoria 7 so we can see any difference?
Ive never had any issues loading v7 or G3F characters. Like the others have said, there must be some morph auto loading that is causing the issue.
No issues here either. However, this can also show up when loading a character over another character rather than the base.
If that is still happening they need to update the products properly. I remember seeing that happen with something right when she first came out but it was fixed ages ago.
The Currently Used only shows the standard V7 morphs, and setting them all to 0 doesnt do anything. No other morphs are active either. Weird...oh well. At least it can be fixed.. Thanks for all the help!
Currently Used on a newly loaded figure would usually show the navel and mouth realism morphs, as I recall - certainly the latter.