HU Iray Volumetric Effects

With the current DAZ Studio 4.9 Public Beta, Iray features better support for volumes and it is now possible to place cameras inside volumes, so this opens a new rainbow of possibilities like nesting more volumes even with lights in them.
Need pictures.
Will, I have found that SSS was improved, I have noticed some speed improvements.
@Esemwy, here are the pictures.
The first scene has a volume surrounding the hallway, inside it there are the camera and a light. The second scene shows an extra volume, the ground fog, which is nested inside the surrounding volume.
wooooo! Your fog effect is so beautiful ! Can I add this fog effect in my scene? Using the render setting ?
by the way ... what's SSS...I saw it on some charactor product,like 50%,75%...
That is a nice effect. Thanks! I may have to take part in the beta after all. I haven't had much time for 3D lately, but this gives me some ideas.
Thanks. I'll post the settings later.
SSS = Subsurface scattering. Basically is what happens to light when it travels inside a translucent volume, light is "reflected" randomly in all directions before leaving the volume. SSS is the mean to create realistic organics, like skin, hair, blood, teeth, milk, leaves, etc.
You need a volume, cube(like 42ft), sphere, etc, apply Iray Uber Base, and then apply this settings:
Don't forget to set Camera's Headlight mode to off.
Also, if you don't wanna struggle with settings, there's a nice product called AtmoCam on the store.
Thank you for the details!I will try after work.
BTW, I searched "atmocam" on DAZ store and nothing appeared...
Excellent share! Thanks for the clear, concise answer to this question--it's been nagging at me since I started working with Iray!