[SOLVED: USER ERROR] Gallery Help. Possible TOS violation?

Hi everyone,
Ive been trying to get an answer from DAZ as to wether or not a render I made violates the TOS for violence. I sent my render to DAZ a little more than a week ago and have heard nothing from them.
Does anyone know if there is a moderator in charge of previewing renders? Id rather not post it only to have it removed.
Post edited by AnotherUserName on
Who did you send it to? The correct person is [email protected]
Yah, thats the right contact. Just busy I suppose? A confirmation of reciept notice, like a help ticket would be nice.
I will point it out to her.
Thanks Frank, pass on our best wishes to her.
Can you please resend it. She doesn't have one from you.
Edit: Also check your spam box incase it went there. She says she's answered ever email she's received.
Yah, will do.
I didnt find any reply... I sent her just a quick message to see if she can confirm that she is recieving email from me.
She is still not seeing an email from you Are you sure you are sending to the correct emaill addy.
I just checked my Google spam box and my email and I don't have anything from you in there and actually no new emails today at all :( Please double check for me to make sure you are sending to [email protected] (two a's in the front there) If it still doesnt work, maybe just send me a forum PM? I think you can attach an image to that (someone will correct me if I'm wrong LOL I've not tried it so not positive)
Just sent you a test message (from a hotmail account) just to see if things are working.
Got that one..replied back to you :) Though not anything exciting other than I got your message :) Thanks for sending the test. Did check the PMs and it does seem you can attach an image there so hopefully that will work if there is still an issue with the e-mail :)
Got the reply - at least we can rule out one end of the equation :)
Im going to send another test message. Im pretty certain that I got your address right but maybe not. It will be titled "test test test".
I got it and replied :) Please go ahead and try to send me the image, hopefully I should get it this time LOL
I must have had your email wrong. Thanks Ann.
[SOLVED: User Error!]
You are more than welcome..it was a pleasure speaking with you :)