DAZ can't find most of my content

Haven't done much work with DAZ recently, but I opened up DIM a few days ago, and it appeared to have forgotten who I was and what all my settings had been.
In particular, it appeared to have forgotten where I had installed everything, and was claiming all my content needed downloading again.
I eventually sorted it out and pointed it to my actual installation folders, wheraupon in understood what was installed and what still needed downloading.
But DAZ itself can't see any of my content*, even after I've edited the content libraries settings to point to the correct folders and nowhere else.
Anyone know what has gone wrong and how to fix it?
* Apart from a few things that I installed after I had told DIM where all my content was but hadn't changed the default installation folder.
What do you mean by 'DAZ itself can't see any of my content' ? In Smart Content or Content Library ?
Sounds like a manual file transfer to a new computer (or similar) to me.
I think there's a way to also transfer DIM knowledge (C > AppData or somesuch) and without transferring that as well, DIM will be lost as to what was done.
I rely on DIM as my content knowledge base. So when I did this, I ended up just starting over with DIM and reinstalled (including downloading) everything.
Of course, just recently I did lose everything (mechanical HDD failure) so I had to reinstall everything again. No biggie. DIM Rocks. I had a lot of fun with it. I just took my time over a few weeks - getting the stuff I wanted most first and moving onward from there.
I also work in Carrara, so I still use an older Poser Runtime Structure type of content setup for Poser formats. That takes time to install, but makes it easier for me in the end.
I don't use Smart Content at all. Never even open the pane.
But if you want Smart Content to work, you Must correct the issues with DIM to get the metadata files where they need to be.
Both. DAZ thinks none of the content is installed.
That sounds like a apthing issue - where is the content, and what are your current content directory settings in daz Studio (Edit>Preferences>Content tab>Content Directory Manager)?
Downloades are all saved to my D: drive.
Installations are all to my E: drive.
Content I've just installed or reinstalled is shown in DAZ as installed, but everything else (despite being in the same location, and despite being listed as installed in DIM) is shown as not installed..
Screenshots attached just incase I'm not explaining things clearly.
But where exactly are some of the files that are installed but not showing?
Everything is installed to E:\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\...
Please give the full path to one of the files that is not being found.
Example: Yeti HD for Genesis 8 Male.
Everything is installed in the locations below (copied from DIM, but I've checked in Windows Explorer and everything is there).
In DAZ, the Yeti product is greyed out listed as "Available". If I try to open it from DIM, I get the message:
Also, I've just noticed that all my custom categories have disappeared.
( E:/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library )
In Studio, go to Edit > Preferences > Content
Make sure your "My Daz 3d Library" is the correct location (Drive E)?
Man... I hope you get this sorted.
And is there a file on your disc E:/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Male/Characters/Daz Originals/Yeti HD.duf ?
There is on mine! LOL ...and he's freaking Awesome!!!
I've got entries for "DAZ Connect Data" and "DAZ Studio Formats", with both pointing to E:\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library. Is that what you mean?
Do you have a folder "E:/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/Data/Cloud/1_61551"?
If you do, what's inside?
Nope. I mean:
In Daz Studio, go to Edit > Preferences > Content
Then click the Content Management button toward the bottom of the window - center
Check to make sure that the My Daz 3d Library (or whatever you have it named) is truly set to the E drive directory you install to.
I'm not the best person to help solve this stuff though. Just trying to thing of possible solutions. It has to be something simple.
I've just installed Daz on a new PC. Used DIM to download and install content and everything shows up in Daz. I also copied the 'My Library' folder from my old PC to the new one and again content shows up. However, I cannot get Poser content purschased from other vendors to show no matter where I put it.
I placed the content in D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/Poser/Runtime/geometries/ and in Daz directory manager added a Poser format location D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/Poser
I can see Poser content that was installed by DIM in D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/My DAZ 3D Library/ but content in D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/Poser/ does not show. I've tried moving the content to D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/geometries/ but that does not work. This was not an issue with Daz 4.21 on my old PC even after I updated it to 4.22
I've attached screenshots of Daz directory manager and my Daz installation
I don't understand.
There is no "My Daz 3d Library" option there to set to anything.
There are only options for "CMS Cluster Directory", "Daz Connect Data", "DAZ Studio Formats", "Poser Formats", and "Other Import Formats".
All are set to E:\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library (apart from the cms which is set to a different location on E, and the "Other Import Formats" which isn't set to anything).
For Poser content the Runtiem gets merged with the one in the root of the content directory, justa s it does with daz Studio format content. The content will thena ppear in the Content Library under the Poser Formats>Content directory name, where you will see only the actual libraries (/runtime/Library/Camera/ etc.) but no the geoemtries or textures folders, now any additona, non-library folders in the Library folder (so not rhe !Daz folder, for example).
Yeah, third line down on your screenshot. Hmmm... not sure what's going on. That is very odd that you'd stuff isn't showing up.
One thing: When I (accidentally) used Daz Connect to install something, it no longer showed up in my usual "My Daz 3d Library"
Try going into your Content (not Smart Content) pane, set the location at the top to your Daz Connect, and see if the stuff you're missing is in there instead. That one really buggered me up. I can't remember how I fixed it. I think I uninstalled the one thing I had installed via Connect and installed it via DIM.
Looks like I'm going to have to just uninstall and reinstall everything.
Have you tried contacting support?
I must say, I just had to reinstall everything and that's something that doesn't really bother me. I mean... it does take time, but DIM makes it a breeze for me.
I figured out the issue was some missing files that I had not transferred from the old PC. Originally I merge the Poser content (purchased from other vendors) into the DAZ Studio content and it worked fine. This turned out to be a bad idea because the directory structure of DAZ 4.22 changed. This made comparing files and folders on the old and new PC's difficult. This is why I decided to put manually installed Poser content into 'D:/Daz 3D/Sudio/Poser/'. That way if I every need to set up another PC I can simply copy that folder and the new DAZ installation as I did with folder My Content.
The directory structure has not changed, unless you are using Connect (installing through Daz Studio itself - which has been avaialble, and used the same folder structure, for years) on one machine and not on the other.
I think I have a similar issue. How do I locate my files on My Mac?
check the manifest folder to see if they still exist?
That happened to me twice recently ... the folder got emptied and had to rename the one there and then dim rebuilt them as per Richards instructions.
This was the issue when dim wanted to redownload all 15,000 products
And will I was able to find and reactivate my daz content the poser content directory no longer had it's data list.