Something Strange Just Happened With My Studio 9

roberthutchinsonroberthutchinson Posts: 309
edited November 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

Everything was working just fine the other day, but today, the only scene that will show in textured shaded is perspective.  If I want to show anyother camera view such as top, side, etc. in the textured shaded mode all I get is a white background with no scene images.  If I move my mouse around, I see orange outlines of some objects in the scene, but they go away as I am moving my mouse around.  I cannot work with these views.  The only way that I can work with these views is to change from texture to NVIDIA iray.  So, I made no changes to my workspace.  I even closed Studio and restarted and I get the same thing.  This appears to be a bug??

Post edited by roberthutchinson on


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Could you post a render of what you are seeing. It would make it alot easier to help if we could see what you are seeing.

    A screenshot would work as well so we can see if you have something going on with your scene setup :) 

    maybe it's something as simple as an object in the scene blocking the camera.

  • Are you sure you don't have an object enclosing the scene, or possibly a missing item that is repalced with a bounding box (do you get a message about a missing .dsf file on opening)?

  • I solved this.  It was the UberEnvironment, whatever that is.  It must have come in with one of my presets.  Thanks, all, for your help....heartheart

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