Daz 4.5 and dynamic cloth

All my characters with dynamic clothing are nekkid again like they were when Daz 4 came out first - is there a patch in the works?
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All my characters with dynamic clothing are nekkid again like they were when Daz 4 came out first - is there a patch in the works?
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Have you the latest version of DS4P ( Do you have the paid for plugin for the DCC?
The latest version has the DCC included as part of the main installer, what does it say in Help > About Installed Plugins?
Hi Jimmy,
Thanks for the response.
Yes it's the latest version and I do have the paid for control (currently showing as failed to load). However, I would have thought the cloth would be visable and ahve the basic draping without that.
When you install the paid for version, it renames the Lite version with .basic on the end of the filename in the Plugins folder, so that it is the paid for one that loads. The version numbers should match, the DCC plugin for the current version ends in .114, the same as the DS4 version.
I have two in my Plugins folder in Program Files, dzoptitexclothbasic.dll,basic, which does not load, and the correct one, dzoptitexclothcontrol.dll which is the paid for one that loads for me.
Have a look in the Plugins folder to see what has happened.
Ah, that explains whay even the basic isn't working. :)
I have the same dll names as you.
dll properties shows a version ending in .19 for the full CC but .114 for the basic - maybe worth my while reinstalling the clothing control element when i have access to my system later.
Thanks a lot for the help
You definitely need to reset and reinstall Dynamic Clothing Control.
No, not reinstall — redownload. If you only reinstall, you're putting in the same out-of-date version of the plugin that's incompatible with your new D|S version. If you redownload, you get the new plugin. That's the installer you should run.
I'm just starting with Dynamic Clothing in DAZ because the plugins have not been working with the Macintosh OS. I've got DAZStudio4.5Pro running on Mac OS 10.8.1 right now, and that's the latest update to the Mac OS. I bought the SuperHero cape set, and I like the draping. But, when I put in a plane for the "floor," and added tile shaders to it, and including that in the "Collide Against" part of the basic plugin Dynamic Clothing control, the cape draped on the figure all right, but sunk through the floor. Can you not use primitives for the material to collide against?
I'm looking at the paid Dynamic Clothing plugin and considering buying it. It says that it works with DAZStudio4.5. But, in a note it adds that there "there are issues with the Mac OS 10.7." Well, I'm beyond that, using 10.8.1. But, are there "issues" with that OS? I tried to find someone to contact so that I could ask that question, but can't find an email or anything. Does anyone know how the new plugin would function with 10.8.1 in DAZStudio4.5 Pro?
How many subdivisions did you have on the plane primitive? The cape has a fairly high-res mesh, so if the plane has much lower res mesh, the cape can easily slip right through it in between the vertices. It isn't a hard and fast rule, but dynamics collisions (at least in the DAZ flavour) seem to work best if the two colliding objects aren't too different in mesh density.
Oh, I didn't do any subdivisions on the plane primitive. Hmmm. Is there an upper number? For figures, the number seems to be 2. Would it be better to use a floor prop?
Not the level of SubD -- when you create a plane primitive you select how fine a grid to use. Dynamic clothing only collides with the "grid lines", so you need to have enough for the clothing not to fall through.
Oh, thank you. I thought of that second meaning after my last post, but you've cleared it up. I'll have to redo that render and see what happens.
Reset, downloaded and installed - all perfect now, thanks a lot :)
Also, that was real handy advice about the plane - must read these forums more often!!
You can also find dynamic cloth falling through some props because they don't have a fine enough mesh, creating an invisible primitive plane (or whatever) congruent with their surface solves that just fine.
Figured I'd just jump on here with this generic title.
Had big hopes for dynamic cloth in Studio. So far, not so much realized.
Why is layering so difficult, or is it me? I can't get the simplest things to layer properly (like M4's "sports" outfit that comes with jacket, shirt, pants/shorts) The under garment is ALWAYS sticking through.
And why does M4's polo collar not stay above the rest of the material, at all?
And why does Studio 4.5 crash to the desktop if I load M4's jeans and select them in the DCC tab?
I realize that's a lot at once, but I'm trying to USE these things I've bought. Could really use them for a project I have in the offing... but not with all this frustration, glitchiness ad infinitum.
Granted, it could be me. Maybe I'm just not getting how this stuff should work. But I've read the docs, tested; and I come from a Poser background and have managed to get that beast to work relatively well when I wanted it to.
Ok, now it just crashed while working with the Sports Outfit. What is up with that?
I also find that playing around with dynamic cloth causes DAZStudio to crash. So, it's probably something about the way the DC plugin works with or interferes with DS4.5.