Moved von iMac to Pc

so far so good but I can not find where My Library is to install purchased itmes in to.
I know I can use the DIM but, I sometimes prefer to install items myself.
The fact is though, I need to know where the heck that folder is lol.
The DIM folder is in Public Documents>My DAZ 3D Library
The user folder is in My Documents>DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library
If you want the file path, and are using the defaults, those are C:\Users\Public\PublicD Documents\My DAZ 3D Library and C:\Users\<you>\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library respectively
If you are on a new PC, and have not yet installed any content, then you can create a folder where you like, and call it what you like.
DIM, by default, installs to C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library You do not have to use that folder, but it is the one that is recommended. You don't want to install user content into the Program Files area on Windows, it is a protected area, but anywhere else is fine. ZIP files downloaded from DAZ 3D contain a folder called 'Content'. You should empty the contents of that folder into whatever folder you are using as your DAZ Studio library folder.
The files wll 'merge on a PC, althoughh you may get a pop up asking you to confirm that.
Does that help?
Yes, thank you, it was great help.
So, could I just copy the My Library folder and paste in in my Documents folder?
This is all very new to me, I moved from iMac to PC to have more power for the use of Iray, my iMac did not cut it.
Thank you so much for your help.
Thank you so much, it did help a lot.
I'd put it somewhere where you can easily manage it - say your c is on an SSD with relatively low capacity.
That way you don't have to worry about it in the future.
I have mine mapped to seperate drive: E:\Documents\Daz 3D All Libraries (I still use an SSD but it's reasonably large, but it can be anything anywhere - or so it seems from my tests.)
Oh and the Mac is a UNIX os, so can likely read NTFS (windows formatted) drives - Linux can at any rate with no issues, so make sure to format external drives in that format, and if you happen to use a Mac then it should still be able to access the library; I image other users that actually use both could give better advice there.