Smart Content Unassigned Scenes and their file paths

Hello everyone,
I recently moved the folder where I save my scene files to an external device. I usually used the "Unassigned" tab of the smart content library to open them, because the little preview was quite handy to know which one is the right. Now of course, all the file paths are missing and I'd like to know if there's a way to tell the smart content where he can find the new folder :)
Please tell us what version of Daz Studio you are using? Did you try to reimport metadata?
Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager
Hello, I'm Using Studio and I haven't tried to reimport Metadata, because I thought this only works on products, not on scene files?
Yep, I tried that, but I can only choose where my products get installed, not where my scenes are saved, can't I?
You can have multiple content locations. You want the place you're saving things to be listed so they'll show up in DS.