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Please do remember to keep the discussion focused on the subject.
I don't like software that connects to the internet. My browsers do and I like to monitor what they get up to - not easy. I dislike using software that does it with even limited functionality, and there is more of that in the new Daz as it isn't just calling home. The option not to connect is good, and I can at least alter my firewall to monitor that. I like the DIM as I connect, check for updates, download 'em and/or purchases and close it down.
I'm not happy, but so far not so unhappy that I will stop trying it out whilst it is beta. Slightly faster renders are welcome, but I'm not conviced that the benefits of that make the other issues worthwhile.
Wow, they consider the risk of pirated products worth the risk of getting something dodgy - and pay for it? /boggle
Discounting the legality issues (for the moment) the above should make one pause if nothing else.
I always have an issue with thinking of pirates as lazy or stupid, but something like this makes me think that some certainly are.
It must be so annoying seeing ones products stolen, and then to make it worse, they sell it on.
I'll continue trying to come to terms with the new software for this reason alone.
I suck at editing quotes properly.
Right, it's not like I'm happy with the overall concept or anything either. Nor do I want any program connecting and sending off information about anything unless I tell it to. But when I asked about this in the last thread, it was explained in detail how the system works (I don't remember the specifics or the link to the post, sorry.) Absolutely no connections start unless you tell them to, and all of the metadata comparisons for relevant searches etc. are done locally with downloaded lists. The rest works the same as DIM, just to different servers. Updates are done via downloading a list of all packages and then comparing locally to your list for version numbers. Any new ones will then light up offering you to initiate a download only if you choose to. The only information ever sent is a list of what you own, but that's done now via CMS/DIM anyway.
Obviously one could argue "what if they're lying" but then they could have lied at any point on any patch. I would advise anyone concerned about any software to monitor it and see for yourself what it is doing. Alternatively, if you don't trust the system, don't use it. It should be possible from what I've read to connect once in order to get your key, then never connect ever again and only get new packages via direct download.
Note: I'm going off memory from what a DAZ_thing told me. I could be incorrect about any of it. However, it should be fairly reliable unless something changes. Hopefully they can clarify for the new thread. Please don't shoot the messenger for trying to help bring a quicker answer to those with concerns.
To start with I would like to thank DAZ_Jon and the rest of the team, both for the FAQ supplied at the start of this post, and more importantly, for showing they have listened to peoples concerns over these changes, and have agreed to address at least some of them. For me personally, I was very pleased to read that you intend to allow for currently unencrypted products to remain unencrypted when installed via DAZ Connect. That was my number 1 wish, so thanks for agreeing to that. If I have to wait for the official release, or a later patch, that is fine with me.
As I have stated in other posts, I am no fan of DRM, and I do like to look under the covers to see how things work. I know that makes me a bit of a geek, and likely to be in a fairly small minority of users that do this, but it is something I enjoy. I remember when G3F came out one of the first things I did was look to see how the new UV system was encoded in the files. If the base models at least can remain unencrypted that would be great, and has been stated, there would be little point in protecting them, since they are free.
I agree with the posts that state that DAZ has the right to try this, regardless of how well it has worked or failed in other markets. I am sure DAZ can only guess whether this will lead to more or less sales, which at the end of the day is the only thing that measures its success. One myth I feel we can debunk is that protection methods always fail. A good friend of mine sells a software application that is regularly pirated despite the fairly good protection systems that they have created for each new version. He tells me that once a pirate version becomes available, they see a significant drop in sales, particularly from certain countries (which I will not name). So the fact remains there exists people that will use a pirated version if they can find it, but will buy a legitimate copy if they can not. The world is not completely black and white, and the idea that there are only people that never use pirated content, and those that only use it, is clearly a simplification of the way things work.
LOL!! I like your style. Yeah, I'm up for that bet.
So, what about allowing PAs the option to go unencypted?
Couldn't you add a new "DAZ Connect" filter? DIM was one of the best moves you made and I would hate to see it thrown away!! It seems like it could still be really useful for this. Please think about it. Or make a special version of DIM jsut for DAZ Connect downloads.
Seconding this. I really like DIM too, and would much rather keep using it than have to start using multiple download sources and storage options.
Make that another user who likes DIM, and would like to see it stay; I really like the connection being in a seperate package.
Pretty much my thoughts, although I still have reservations.
And despite what politicians and the media suggest; the world is far more grey than either black or white. Note, I'm not accussing countries or specific parties here; I'm generalising.
I've been using DS over Poser for the late few months becuase of IRAY. But if DAZ does encrypt my PURCHASED products. I WILL NOT PURCHASE other thing HERE!!!!!!!!!
What about products like PoseBuilder Genx2/3, etc. that load files from other products? I have seen this asked a few times (not just by me) but I have not seen an answer (may have missed one though).
I would be curious about this; I too don't recall any specific info regarding their continued use and versatility.
Loading a file into DS should be fine, loading a file as DSON data into the script would fail (I tried).
For the moment, I buy what I might need sometime in the future, and these items will all work fine in 4.7 or 4.8 (which I will keep for certain, als long as possible). Maybe I'll work with 4.9 as well, maybe not, but I've got enough nice items in my runtimes to last me a very long time.
Besides the newer figures aren't that much better than the old ones, I've bought M4 characters which do look better and more realistic than G2 men.
All that doesn't change my opinion about encryption and DRM. I just don't like it, profundly.
Since Daz is going to do whatever they please I fail to see any reason to argue against DRM .......
Because doing nothing, saying nothing, can be construed as acceptance, or even agreement. Someone once said, "Do not go blindly into the night..." He was referring to something different obviously, but the sentiment is appropriate. :)
Of course, the biggest indicator of acceptance is buying and using DRMed products; that one I intend to avoid.
Dylan Thomas - "Do not go gentle into that good night..."
Fact is that I do not want to have encrypted content on my machine and thus I will NOT buy any DAZ-Connect-Only content.
Luckily I've spent those tens of thousands of dollars on DAZ content just for fun and do not depend on it to earn money somehow.
So I see this DAZ-Connect-Only project with mixed feelings.
On one side it will save me a lot of money on DAZ-Connect-Only content in the future and on the other side I have to pass on some shiny new content.
Moreover I have a doubt that DAZ-Connect-Only content will increase sales ... but future will tell ... LOL
Thank you, I should have checked as opposed to relying on memory.
So certain types of products will no longer be possible? This is a much more "tanglible" reason to object to the encyption which may explain why DAZ has not been clear on this point. And it sounds like PAs will not have a choice which suggests that DAZ does not think encrpytion/DRM can survive an actual test in the marketplace. DAZ has done a lot to dissuade our concerns but when it feels like they are avoiding or downplaying certain questions/concerns it is hard not to feel concerned. :(
I have all kind of issues, which generally can't be discussed. It makes it difficult to express those concerns and have them addressed. The DRM, or however you want to term the security encryption, makes many people see red; not becuase they object to owners of products trying to protect them, but becuase of their own experiences. I have seem some issues addressed within the thread.
Others, well I'm just watching, waiting, and generally not buying much at all atm.
For someone who sepnt over 25 years in IT, most of it in tech support/systems programmer role, I can be a huge Luddite over some things. I LIKE single purpose things. My mobile phone does not have a camera, it does not have a touch screen, it's about as smart as I am ... er, I mean a bag of spanners .. ;) It does what I want it to do as spcified by the name: it's mobile and it's a phone.
I am not fussed about the encryption despit having manually adjusted paths, etc., in files before (bit not in any DIM-installed ones it has to be said), so don't, for me, see being unable to do so with DAZ-purcahsed items being an issue. What does bug me is that Daz Studio is a 3D scene/render program, NOT a netweork connecting, cut-down browser, content-purchasing program. For download and 'content control' we have DIM and that does a pretty good job (just a shame DAZ missed the boat to split out metadata from the content to allow simple updates!) I download to an external USB HDD and install from that, so I get 'double bubble': I get to downlaod where I want and also have a backup of the files at the same time. Yes, I will be able to back up the Connect files - assuminng I can identify the new ones accurately enough. Else I'm having to back up the multi-GB content every time.
I'm still a little unsure about what, physically, happens if you update from 4.8 to 4.9 as reagrds your current content. I know a new DB schema gets introduced, and I know new content gets downloaded (and hence installed) into the new data/cloud location, but does it also move or copy your existing content to the new localtion? Unless it's a move file, delete file loop (perhaps at the package/product level) that is just not gonna work for me as I don't have the space available to duplicate it all.
4.9 works perfectly fine with your current content. You may have to tell it where the folders are located again, but nothing actually has to change. You can choose to download it all again via Connect, but there is zero need to actually do so.
it isn't necessarily certain types of products will no longer be possible (don't know about every case), but more of a certain types of products need to be built differently or use different methods. An example is the pose converter or pose builder by draagonstorm. We talked with her, and some other PAs earlier this year about the implications of this and how to work with and accomplish the same thing with relying on the api or different approaches, including potentially us adding new api calls for them if they need it to get specific data they needed. We absolutely want our PAs to be able to get the same versatility and functionality in the market. That doesn't mean that it will all be ready day 1 since there is their own schedules need to fit it in, but we work very closely with our PAs and they have direct ways to contact us to get what they need to build the products they want to.
So you can have (at least) 2 content locations - 'old' (DIM-based) and 'new' (Connect-based)? I presume only the Connect-based content will have the simple update to metadata (if that is needed)? And, of course, continue to install via DIM even if you have done some via Connect?
Connect based content currently goes into a new folder in your topmost library in data called Cloud. So whatever your topmost library is is where the Connect content goes. Everything else can be in that library or any other library you nominate in the content directory manager. As far as I know only Connect content does the metadata update (I could be wrong) but DIM content still works exactly as before. I'm running 4.9 now and apart from testing some Connect data, I'm using exactly the same libraries and setup as 4.8.
It'd be nice if there could be an option in DIM to have it able to download and install the Connect type new products that we've bought, but apparently that isn't non the cards (yet?) Of course there also is no Connect-only content right now.
Ok I admit I am totally clueless on this, and I am all for stopping piracy especially if I am paying for something that someone else is getting free...really bugs me. I render in Octane standalone which means exporting figure, hair, clothing etc as an .obj into Octane and applying texture there. Will I be able to continue to do so and be able to find textures? I do not use the DAZ plugin for Octane.
So certain types of products will no longer be possible? Not surpring then that DAZ has not been clear about this -- it's a much more "tanglible" reason to object to the encyption. SInce DAZ_Rawb ducked the "allow PAs to choose" question (he answered another question from that post), it sounds like PAs will not have a choice which suggests that DAZ does not think it can survive an actual test in the marketplace. DAZ has done a lot to dissuade our concerns but when it feels like they are avoiding certain questions it is hard not to feel concerned about future plans. :(
That sounds better, but it is one of the things you should have addressed from the beginning. Will the API updates, etc. needed be in 4.9 (so that the PAs can update whenever they want to)?
From what I have read elsewhere the textures are not encrypted, so external programs such as Octane will be able to read them normally. As the geometry is exported via Daz Studio it is taken from in-memory so, again, no encryption issues.
They shouldn't if all goes ahead as planned, since they said they were changing the way the beta is so that current non-encrypted content would not be encrypted even via Connect once it goes live, only new Connect-only content will be.
I had hoped that with the development of the G3 figures that use a more industry standardised approach than in the past that this might mean greater compatibility with 3rd party programs but this will become increasingly more difficult with the introduction of encryption. I think this is a shame because elsewhere in the industry there is a move towards standardisation so that content can be edited between different apps. Encryption closes off this potential which I think is counterproductive towards sales and usability.