Is there a morph to deleat some "wrinkles"


I would like to know if it exists a morph (or maybe another way) to delate some wrinkles on the face. Indeed, I am trying to create my character but there are some wrinkles that exist on the character from which I started, and I don't know how to avoid it:

 These wrinkles seem to had been amplified by the modifications I made by using some nose and face morphs, but I have the impression they was already on the character base I used (DD Keita: However, they don't seem visible in front view. Do you have an idea to improve it, please?

Thank you in advance!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,300

    This character Keita doesn't have any HD morph so that's just the natural crease around nose wings ( nasolabial folds ) and mouth corners ( mouth corner folds). Those folds might've been 'enhanced' by the PA thru sculpting.

    So if you really don't like them, you may use Smooth and Flatten brushes to shape them a bit, in Blender.

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 297

    Ah, ok, I will try. Thank you very much!laugh

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