What did you really expect for ds 4.9 , and still expect for ds 5?

Hi,, I know there is already "user request topic" for daz studio in Common forum. and DAZ offer support ticket to future request.
But User free talking about DS future, and add their request which they hope "as User like" from User and Customer view)
is really interesting. even though, requests in daz studio forum,is not care much by DAZ.
And the Common forum is not for daz studio only. then seldom the topic are risen up. and the place is not only for DAZ studio user.
I hoped Fixme if move his topic, in "DAZ studio Discussion forum" or modelator set it as sticky , then we can easy discussion about Daz studio improvement what user thinking
without care much to down other topic, more important Questions , free talk for their purpose. But now I feel it need not, and not hope so. just make new topic here.
I heared "DAZ Studio Discussion forum" is not checked by many DAZ User , customer too. usually they check Common forum. OK no mind.
I just hope to make one clear topic for DAZ studio improvement and request only for daz studio user Here ="daz studio discussion" forum.
lets free join here. not care at all me. (yes I am very rude, sometimes say strange thing, and may feel you bad, then I promise, never against other user view, here.)
But to keep this topic from strict modelators, (they work hard to keep forum safety and happy place, I know, then they sometimes delete my topic ^^; though
they still forgive me to join here.) I request not talk about DAZ Connect, and encryption for product here. just talk about, what did you expected for this beta,
or expect for ds 5 or ds 4.9 porduct version. And I hope,, if someone can arrange this topic (with more cute title etc) please make it ^^;
I wiil input about DS pozing tools here. but now simply stock my request, more easy read as english. then hope some user add your request first .
Ok,, I start to input here,, my first request which I hoped and still hope next product version daz studio.
1. easy expression tool (mostly for gen3) "Power expression" and " Power pose 2"
after daz released genesis3female, I gradually change my main Actor to gen3F. (transefred custome morph,
and add many morph for character shape , customize auto fitted item,, etc,, to use it as same as gen2F actor)
it is simply because genesis3F have offered with new many Controll Bones assigend Face for expressions.
and they can free move (without U really hard change shape, not cause problem)
(As fact, not only for expression (as pose), we can use it to customize character face morph (as shape)
then make new shape controller too, but at current it cause usually more work to follow nodes with shape)
Then I expected DAZ would offer add- on with current beta, which free move these facial bones, more flexible
as controll face node sheets. I believe they are desigend for the purpose, but no improvement as user interface tool.
If daz offer the face expression tool as flexible sheet, (yes I know current power pose tool, but it maybe requested to improve
for all daz generation figures, and at current there is no way just translate or scale each bone on the sheet
with easy mouse (and button) combination)
There should be many possibility if user can easy tweak these gen3 face bones with new expresison sheet as clear nodes pic
which offer new way to select each face nodes you want to move only. (multi selection ,too)
we may no need to move faical bone, by paramater tab, X Y Z controllers , or translation, rotation tool, and select nodes in scene tab
with set visible bone, then carefully select around eye bone etc,,at current ds offered,,)
I hope I can easy "mirroer" "swap", or, divide "Upper only" and "bottom only", or "Left" and "Right" from current
facial controller which offered or bought from DAZ without many step on the sheet, with clear button.(as same as MT mirroer)
after you bake node transform from controller to each facial nodes movement. (release ERC controller)
or maybe I believe user may not need to rely much for vendors to make "just current" expression what you really want now.
I believe, "face expression sheet" must offer many user, more presice, more flexible, more fun experiment to make Actor expression.
then you can celar see , directly move each facial bone, and how change the face with sheet only.
After User set current expression, it may offer one click generate " current face poze as new poze controller" .
or generate "current poze as new shape controller". it should be automate process.
hope you know difference. the former just need to set new ERC for nodes translation (rotation, scale) as posing.
but latter need , first bake these node pose movement as new rig for zero poze.
(but at current ds seems not offer the way to bake posed node movement as new rig for zero pose)
then re-import current shape as new morph,and set ERC ,,, it is not so easy process for baseic user)
About both case, maybe there needs option, to add user made JCM, MCM which add more smooth ,more detail,
which can not be achieved by weight map defomation only, then it auto added with your new expression,
or face shape controller, for user who like tweak morph in modelor.
(for them these sheet help base shape to make perfect morph or expression too.
but I do not expect too much at start point.)
Then,, I could not believe why genesis3female have offered without these tool.
without it, these improvement are offered just for ease vendor work. not for common user. who make expression in daz studio, I feel.
because if we need to rely current controller (usually vendor offered) for expression, it can be achieved by morph + ERC as same as
other generation figure those who have no facial controll bone,,.
Or daz feel middle user really use " facial bone" without expression controller?
I believe, new user may not find them and may not hope tweak it by themself,, at current.
and they can not use it efficently for their purpose even though they find it.
I planed to request about current power pose too, I believe no daz user hope, pose tool keep defualt which offered by daz,,
but I know there are already other users try to enhancement power pose. and have done improved,,there is already topic
for power pose by snowsultan,, and I remember,, blackfeather offered and improved it for genesis family at start,,
they know more than me, the usability as user interface tool.
hope someday add it as request (or add link for each tool), with more readable English^^;
it is really important tool, to power up daz studio with genesis family (will be released genesis3man, Mcheal 7 kids7?
AIko 7too. (Yes I started DAZ studio, only for just tweaking Aiko3,, I remember,,there was no intention to learn 3d or make good render,,
and my purpose is not so change. just render 3d figure with easy posing in surroundings. it is daz studio for me.)
If I am daz worker, I must push Company to imporve power pose, and offer exression sheet.
(if DAZ really hope user (customer) more free and easy pose and feel good, with DAZ figures,,in daz studio..)
"What do you expect in the latest version" is really just a variant on "what would you like in DS 5", given that Daz is not limiting new features to whole-number releases. We are going to lock this rather than have another wishlist thread, though I supose at some point a reset may be a good idea as the DS 4.x feature set has grown to make some older requests redundant.