Male Native American

Just wondering if someone was able to make an American Indian Chief for Gen 9.Clothing and head dress especially but a character as well would be good.I'm not skilled enough to do it myself still kind of new to it all.Something like in the pics I added.Thanks in advance.

630 x 787 - 147K

489 x 660 - 68K
Unfortunately it may not happen. The reason why is discussed in this thread:
I still think it is ridiculous. I would kill for the outfit in those images, especially the headdress! There are copyrighted movie and game characters in every 3D store (even DAZ gets close to that line with some products) and yet those stores are still open and selling those products.
I would love this figure in DS
For anyone interested in a project like this, Here is some cool inspiration (great real war bonnets)
Of course I didn't mean exactly like the ref pics. So is it a copyright thing or cultural reasons why it may not happen? I work in a costume shop and we have American Indian head dresses for sale there,of course they are generic which is all I was after really.I don't want an exact replica of say a Navajo elder Chief or anything just something generic.
Heh, things like 'generic American Indian head dress' is a big part of the problem.
No valid reason has been given, there is a law in the US that prohibits selling something as genuine Native American item if it were not made by actual Native Americans.
Other than that, I think it's more about social media rage by people that are not involved in any way.
Something similar was going on here in Finland a couple of years back, but as far as know it has calmed down after the people that were 'protected' by the rage made a comment on the finnish media. The comment was made by the Sámi people (Indigenous people in Finland), because non-Sámi people in social media were shouting 'cultural appropriation' for just about anything, which caused problems in souvenir sales up north, as nobody dared to buy anything from the Sámi people anymore in fear of being despised for it and as a result the people that were supposedly protected by the rage, were taking a financial hit in an area of the country where it was/is difficult enough to make a living, even without being 'protected'.
I wish we did have more Native American content. My mother's side of the family is 1/2 Native American and my great-great grandmother on my dad's side was also 1/2. Both sides are Cherokee.
There is stuff for Romani, Vikings, Egyptians, Mongols, Scottish, people from India and Africa, Romans etc. How would it be any different to include stuff for Native Americans?
Probably the same reasons why some complain about the lack of realism in those very cultural outfits. Do you make it as real as possible? Stylized beyond credibility? Or just ignorant of the real cultural significance and make something that could actually be offensive? Real consultation with those being depicted would go a long way to being accepted. Unlike most of those other groups, the First Nations people are still around to tell us how to do it properly.
How many Viking helmets are in the store with horns on them? From one historical site I read, those horns were added in the 19th C by an opera company.
I do have a head dress for one of my old outfits I created, that could be used kind of like a native American head dress, but it is more like south American, than native.
We don't know why most PAs don't make this content, coicnerns about the US law (whether or not well-founded) may be a factor but there may be other issues. let's not armchair-lawyer too much in the absence of any clear case requiring assessment.
I see no reason a PA of Northern American First Nations lineage couldn't make the clothing etc and post a description asking it to be used respectfully ie historical depictions not adult renders
Based on my experiences here in the forums, I can totally see some user getting bent out of shape saying "that oufit is NOT Sioux design! Only the Cheyenne wore those! As for that war paint, that is Crow design, NOT Shoshone! Do your research and DAZ needs to change the description NOW!!" LOL
I've seen Dystopian Worker Drone used in adult renders. Not sure any notes are going to do much about that, alas.
Just go to Renderosity. Pamawo did several sets for G8. Not the best, but it's what's for sale.
Pamawo had a big cull of stuff recently, and you may be disappointed with how little is left.
Well I guess we all know now that it definitely was not a cultural thiing.
Disgraceful. Remember, folks, Dystopian Worker Drones are innocent!