Weight Mapping Issue

Hello Everyone,
so I found my way into modelling and rigging. But there is one thing that just won't work: getting the weight map done.
So I watched these tutorials on rigging in Studio:
and I made good progressions until it came to weightmapping. There are some polygons I just CAN'T Erase >_< I attached the respective image. The "clothing" is just a quick mashup! Don't hurt me! :(
I want the weight map for the right shoulder only to be the armor piece around the upper arm, but I can't erase any of the red areas you see in the picture. I can't even paste a different weight map on it. I only can add more polygons to the red area, which I then can't erase either! Please, does anyone know a solution to this issue? Thank you :)
Remember that the ttoal weights on a vertex, across all joints, must add to 1 (or for TriAx figures, add up to 1 for each axis). However it is possible that a mapo may become unresponsive - in the past it has ocasionally been necessary to save and restart DS.
Alright, it's been a long time till I last tried weightmapping after that f**** issue. Seems the thread went submarine anyway ;)
Meanwhile I found a solution to this problem: restarting DAZ-studio doesn't help, but smoothing the region several times does.
For that, I select the respective poligons with the geometry editor tool, then with the selection still active switch to the weight brush tool, right-click and chose "smooth selected" under the "weight editing" option. Then I fill the selection with whatever percentage I need for the respective Weight-Map. After I repeat that workflow several times, the unresponsive map usually works again.
If everything doesn't help, I delete the weight map, add it again and paste it from a different, working weight map (e.g. I delete the x-rotation map and copy it from the y-rotation)
I hope this helps anyone, who has the same issue.