How to make a transparent material?


I would like to know how to create a transparent material (like glass or some diaphanous clothes) directly on Daz.

Thank you in advance for your answer!


  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Assuming you're working with IRAY and the standard IRAY Uber shader:

    - For diaphanous/gauzy materials: set Cutout Opacity to anything less than 100%.

    - For glass and clear liquids: set Refraction Weight to 100% and Glossy Roughness zero (or very low). You can change the colour by changing Glossy Color. Switch Thin Walled on or off, depending on whether your object is hollow or solid.

    - For jelly, slime, and opaque liquids: set Translucency Weight very high, like 90%. Switch Thin Walled off. You can change the colour by changing both Base Color and Translucency Color.

  • Thank you very much, I will try! laugh

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