DAZ Content and DRM
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Ok, all good reasons to stay with 4.8 e and stop purchasing DAZ content....
I have no interesting about cloud or DAZ connect etc. simply hope to keep all as same as before,
and hope to install up-date and new contents get in daz shop, by DIM (with keep all downloaded zip ) without problem.
I really feel strange, which customer hope to change the way to download , install and buy contents?
I believe there is more and more important things which DS4.8 need to improve untill ds 5 released.
And to think more and more Poser users were jumping ship, bet this dumb move sends them and a hell of a lot more besides back to Poser, and back to the Gen 4 figures.
ROFLMFAO talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
OK, DAZ folks, stop pretending that smarter Smart Content has to come with DRM. Customers here are saying we don't like/want DRM, and I keep seeing responses saying, "but look at the smarter Smart Content." Your customers use third party tools, many have spent years oranizing their own content, some of us look through and edit stuf that we bought to make it work better for us, and DAZ is saying all that is coming to an end thinking they are the second coming of Steam.
I'll be using DIM until you make that no longer an option, then I'll start purchasing solely from third parties.
I will not be trying 4.9. I have many files from many stores other than DAZ and this new and shiny piece of "smart" content will not work with them all. As ive indicated earlier, I dont need DAZ telling me how and where to store my files.
And then thiere is this little thingy:
Can I use products installed through Daz Connect with other software?
Products installed through Daz Install Manager keep their previous functionality. Products updated to Daz Connect will not function with Carrara or the DSON Importer for Poser due to an inability to interface with Daz Connect web services, but all bridges (e.g. ZBrush, Bryce, Hexagon) and exporters continue to function as they have.
Tell me, again, how this is going to be an improvement?
I have to connect? Hmmm, I guess I will be discovering the benefits of other providers.
I'm objecting - not because I want to avoid paying - look at how much I've spent with Daz, but because I object to in principle; that and the fact that connections fail for all sorts of reasons. I don't use steam for the same reason, and that fact has saved me quite a bit of cash. I didn't bother with those products.
Thats for sure!
DAZ, you just gained a significant advantage over Renderosity with their whole disaster of a re-design. Now it looks like you re going to totally reverse that gain and send your customers elsewhere.
PLEASE, reconsider the design decisions behind 4.9.
If you really would like Daz 3D to see your feedback, please post it in the Official Thread HERE, rather than using other threads which may not be monitored by Daz 3D people.
But if I complain (ofcourse to give daz my feedback as flank customer, not complain for complain)
about this beta, and daz decision, on official topic,
you or another admin may find it easy then it is not good for official annoucne topic, and will delete,, I afraid
(I feel,, if it will be delete too?)
I made a new thread because DRM and the DAZ Studio beta are two separate issues. Not everyone uses DAZ Studio exclusively.
Pam you know as well as I do that wont change anything, once they decide to do something they run with it come hell or high water, and nothing we say will make them change their minds.
About the only thing that would make them change their minds is if their profits nose dived after this goes live.
my two cents worth is that DRM only punishes legitimate users, the pirates and warez users still find a way
it is one reason I never got into Vue and also why I pretty much use only DAZ conrtent in iClone
Dial up, Satellite and slow DSL would only work fine if the only thing you had to do is download the meta data... and you had the option to work offline. As it stands right now I have to drive to the nearest town to download files. And, as a a qualifier, I am not a minority when it comes to those nation-wide (US) who still have only available slow internet connection. I challenge you to the pull the most recent data nation-wide in the USA and then look at your international audience to look at their data speeds before making a decision to have files only available as a cloud service. I still remember how disappointed my family was that Steam wouldn't work at our home even though we did try. If this isn't your intent then please disregard.
Thank you. I believe that this is one of the biggest misconceptions made by corporations today, the myth that everyone has access to reliable, fast (or otherwise) internet.
DAZ, I just renewed my PC+ subscription even though my current sub dosent run out until DEC 31. If you switch to this new DRM format, I will be demanding a full refund.
Same here. My sub goes way into 2017! If we can't download & install manually then I too will be asking for a refund.
Heres MY version of easy..
Go to MY products page.... Download Zip File. Upack Zip file on my workstation.. Place zipped files in my.. My Library folder. EASY..!!!
I also have my workstations networked.. Content is installed on two machines, and then other machines are pointed to the content via my home/personal network. How will this work with connect..???? AArrghhhh....
Hold on... did DazJohn just say that 4.9 will require you to authenticate it, before it is usable.???
THEN MAKE CONNECT OPTIONAL..that way new users who cannot manage their content, can have this hand holding, nanny state method, of using the software.
Whilst users with 10+ years experience (me), can just continue to manage OUR PAID FOR CONTENT, as we always have done.
No, you have to authenticate yourself to the DAZ-Cnnect "shop access" before you can download any content from there when you use it the first time.
Well I don't want to use Daz Connect to download my content.
They say that all future content will be available in DAZ Connect only, so you will have no choice.
To me, this sounds like I will go somewhere else for shopping in the future.
Same here. DAZ, the buck stops at 4.8.
If it's a question of D|S insisting on a particular organization because of encyrption, then it's easy enough to move the encyrpted files to a non-user facing directory, and use simple pointer files to them. These pointer files can then be moved anywhere, as they always have beem, This is how /data and /texture directories work today. We can have a GxF character placed anywhere in our own organization scheme, and it'll still find its support files, as long as those haven't been moved, and they never need to be.
For products that are only user facing, such as poses, the actual pose data can still go into a protected directory, with the user facing files available for moving.
The problem with encryption and anti-piracy steps -- that's what we're really talking about here -- is that most developers think up the lock first, then try to shoehorn the ways to allow people to get through the door. It always must be the other way around, or you'll lose business. It's what happened to music downloads and ebooks. (And, as an author with over 65 published books, I know a thing or two about the effects of ebook piracy.) Both of these businesses have basically given up on DRM, or use very simplistic methods to counter casual piracy.
There is a business case to be made about taking steps to protect content, but there's also a case for allowing allow full and completely transparent functionality for paying users. The two go hand-in-hand.
Of course I have a choice. I will go elsewhere for my content ;)
.. ontop of the more than 300GB of content I already have(a lifetimes worth)... Its a shame I was really looking forward to using the future figures etc.. but this is just unacceptable..
Hivewire, Rendo and Runtimedna, have just become MUCH more appealing.!!, maybe even back to Poser....stupid daz VERY stupid.!!!!
Just to clarify a few things, because I don't want it to be confused.
DAZ Studio 4.9 allows the use of DAZ Connect. DAZ Studio 4.9 does not require the use of DAZ Connect. You can use 4.9 and never login in at all. Login is only required to use DAZ Connect features. If you install products through DAZ Install Manger or manually, 4.9 will use those products just like 4.8 does. 4.9 also includes important updates to both default renders that you will most likely want even if you don't choose to use DAZ Connect.
Only that in the future, all products will be delivered ONLY by DAZ Connect, and no longer by DIM or ZIP download.
Are all products Daz Connect ready?
New products, as well as a huge selection of older products, will be offered through Daz Connect right away, with more of the older products having Daz Connect support added in the future. Our plans are for existing products that have been offered through non-Daz Connect methods to continue to be offered in those ways as well as through Daz Connect. New products will begin to migrate toward a Daz Connect-only delivery.
But new content will eventually only be available by using Daz Connect!
How will this affect those of us who have 32-bit? What about the Product files? Can I still find the product in the list, click Create New Category, and Studio place all of the product's items together in one category in my Content Library? If someone tries 4.9 and doesn't like it, how much of it can be rolled back to 4.8?
I am not a gamer. I am opposed to the cloud and encryption. I gave up on Smart Content a long time ago. I have already started diversifying my spending.
Thing is I think that the main issue people are having is that all new up coming content and gradually old content will only be downloadable via Daz Connect.. Also it seems there will be no choice of where people can install their files unlike DIM where you can create new install folders and to install where you want.. And lastly the ability to have zip files so people can back up easily the content they have to storage medium so they don't have to download gigabytes of content all over again..
And I am like the others have said don't even use the smart content just never found that I needed it..