Problem with start up.
I am having a problem with one of the models I can not instal due to it telling me is it dependent on another part. I bough the Genesis bundle and have installed all the files apart from one.
I have also bought V5 for Genesis and it is telling me the same for one of the V5 files I am trying to installed?
I have attached a copy of a screen shot telling me what file is missing but when I go into my files I do not have the one called Genesis/Genesis.duf
Thank you in advance for any help with this problem.

1366 x 768 - 118K
Another sceen cap.
It looks like you are running the 4.5 version, is it (Help > About DAZ Studio)?
If so, you should have installed a file called 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx.exe, which should have been in your downloads for the new version. Genesis has been changed to the .DUF format (it used to be .DSF), and it needs to be reinstalled by running the Starter Essentials bundle.
If you did not 'buy' the DS 4.5 version from the store, and then checkout, you will need to do that to get the Genesis Starter Essentials bundle so that the new version of Genesis will be installed.
The second error is because of the first one. The installer is looking for Genesis, and can't find it, since the installer for removed Genesis and you need to reinstall it as explained.
Hi JimmyC thank you for the fast reply back there, yes I have bough everything from the store on this site I shall go look and Install what your suggested and hopefully that will work. It is very much appreciated your help with this matter.
My pleasure!