G2 on G8/8.1

in New Users
I have one or two clothing items for G2 that I really like. But I'm firmly using 8/8.1 figures and the G2 stuff does not just autofit as well as I'd like.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for using G2 on G8 effectively?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, that depends on the design of the clothing... Most of the clothing of G2 could be well auto-fitted to G8. However if there're custom / unique bones on the clothing, they'll be removed by auto-fit, so bone mapping + transfer rigging + post-fixing could be a workaround but that'll require some techniques and take more time
Besides, some corrective morphs might not work on G8, if there's any ugly distortion on the clothing when posing your figure, you have to fix them by yourself. Since there's no G2 clothing with dForce, you could only use external applicaton to fix the corrective morphs (pJCMs), or add dforce modifier if needed.
RiverSoftArt ever developed a Clothing Converter for G2-G8, that could be another option. If you know to use some modeling / sculpting software like Zbrush / Blender, that'll be much easier for fixing anything on the converted clothing.
Tips and tricks? No. I do have a long-winded, fairly convoluted process that involves a lot of exporting of .obj files, importing them, smoothing, exporting, importing, rigging, weight map painting to glue stuff together for dForce. This method mostly works but satisfaction not guaranteed. Produces great results when it works, really wastes your time when it doesn't! Make one mistake at any point in the process and you start again from scratch. Available on request*
Alternatively, Catherine from these forums created a freebie set of auto-fit clones she's made available for everyone and they work really well. The hair-pulling extreme method above produces better results (when it does.. erm.. work) but using the autofit clones is easy.
Discussion & links (do read through to the end):
* Don't request this! RSSY's clothing converters that Crosswind references automate this process minus the dForce conversion. I don't have the G2-G8 version but I'll vouch for their G3-G8 and G8-G9 products. They'll convert 95% of your clothing flawlessly once you get a handle on how they work. For just a couple of outfits though? Might be overkill.
Ditto ~ not really necessary to get a convert (released in 2018) just for a couple of clothing.... though there's a 65% discount on it now.
Oh wait ... October sales, PC for a day ... IF they follow historic patterns, they just might be REALLY on sale for a day.
The auto-fit clones get the clothing on the figure. Then some may require additional pJCMs etc to polish the fit. How much work one wants to put into any piece of clothing should take into account how often one plans on using it. Before making morphs on any converted clothing [from using the autofit clones] first save the converted clothing to a different set of folders [so as to not overwrite the originals]. {one cannot make morphs for something that doesn't really exist}
I can't disagree with the good advice offered in here. I don't convert G2 clothing. Ever. But if I were to do so (and this is just my take on it) I would transfer it with the TU, apply a dynamic dForce modifier, stiffen that up a bit throughout, and then run a sim in the standard A-Pose. Then I would export it to a wavefront, re-import it, and see how well it worked. I would carry that through multiple iterations tweaking those settings. If anything needed cleaning up after that, I would pull it into Blender and clean it up.
I know you wanted an easier solution but it isn't there in my experience. Doing anything remotely outside the box with Daz Studio requires some facility with a mesh editor at the very least. That sort of thing isn't Daz's strong suit. Good luck with this!
I appreciate the responses but for the love of goodness, that's too much work for the two outfits I've been trying to keep alive and functional. I think I'll just retire them and live to fight another day.
Thanks again.
Which outfits are they?
What he said. Now you got everyone in here chompin at the bit to convert them!