Dynamic Clothes with AniMate2?

Vicky has a slight problem... I add some dynamic clothes, apply some morphs, setup some AniMate Blocks, drape, and Vicky walks right out of her clothes.
I'm Running latest DS 4.5. Sometimes, before I drape, the clothes stay with Vicky and don't get stuck in position until after I drape.
Can someone tell me I'm crazy and that it should work or maybe I'm just trying too much.
Any help would be appreciated!
I don't do it in the order you do - but sounds like you didn't freeze after the drape - little box in the upper righthand ( click it and you will see freeze ) on the DY cloth control
also to add if you freeze the animation you can't change the cloth .
so save the scene before you do .
I had not used the freeze before but it still didn't solve the problem. Is there a better order?
Thanks for the help so far!
Edited Away, Better answer was given.
Right click on your aniMate timeline and select "Bake to Studio Keyframes". That transfers your keys to the DAZ Studio timeline. Dynamic Clothes can only read your animation from the DAZ timeline, it cannot see the animation in the aniMate timeline. So you will want to work on your animation in aniMate first, when it is ready you bake it to Studio timeline and then do your animated drape.
"Bake to Studio Keyframes" did it!
Thanks to all for the help!