Control nose shape


Is there a way to control the shape of a nose? I can't see any feature to do it.

Thank you in advance!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    Not sure of what you mean... but sliding a dial(s) of nose morph is a sort of 'control'... a nose morph is triggered by another dial is also a sort of 'control', so on and so forth. What is it that you want?

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390

    When I go into the shaping section, there is not a nose section, so I don't know how to control the morph of the nose:

  • Which morphs do you have for that figure? Have you tried expanding (clicking the triangle next to) the Head group?

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390

    Yes I tried; there are only "Fantasy SciFi" -> "creature creator" -> "Fearie Head", and "Real Word" -> "Head Propagating Scale".

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    You're using G2M.. G2M has no separate nose morph in the starter package. If you've installed some shaping products incl. nose morphs, you just filter by 'Nose', then you'll see them all, and the Group / Path they belong to will be highlighted.

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390

    Ah ok, I understand! Thank you very much! laugh

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